Chapter 23: Parents Suck

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Bandit's POV

I was sitting on my windowsill smoking. I was ready to go to bed but Billie said he'd be here. It's been a long yet interesting night. I thought back to the dance and a smile formed on my face.

"Oh Rapunzel, let down your hair," I heard Billie from down the ground.

"The hair was chopped off but you've been given a lovely ladder," I told him. He started climbing up. "Hello my prince, are you here to help me escape from my tower?"

"I wish it were that easy, can I come in?" He asked.

"Yeah, just be quiet," I demanded before I stood up as he climbed in.

"Hi," He said and hugged me.

"Hey," I grinned then we pulled apart from the hug. "You sleeping here tonight?"

"If you want me too," he said.

"Well yeah," I nodded.

"So," we sat on my bed, "I owe you Mexican food..."

"You sure as hell do," I told him.

"Even though I'm losing money because of it, thanks for forcing me to dance," he smiled.

"Anytime," I nodded. "Thanks for dealing with me."

"I enjoy being with you," he grabbed my hand.

I shifted my body so I was facing him. His eyes melted my soul. "How long have we known each other?" I randomly asked breaking the silence.

"Three months," he replied.

"Jeez, I feel like I've known you since we were little kids," I shook my head.

"I know right," he sighed.

Looking into his bright eyes reminded me of when we were out in the rain. When the tire popped and John interrupted our little moment. So close... Speak of the devil I heard loud footsteps outside my room. "Get," I nodded to the closet. He swiftly stood behind my clothes.

"You're still up?" John cracked my door open.

"Yeah," I mumbled. I could see it in his eyes, I stood up and left the room. "I was just about to go to bed," I faked a yawn which easily became real.

"You had a long night," he nodded.

"It was fun," I nodded, if I could kill him right now...

"Before you go to bed, I wanted to ask you about that boy Billie," he said. I felt the color leave my face, Billie can probably hear this.

"What about him?" I shrugged.

"You know what I'm asking about," he stared me down.

"I'm 'dating' Billie," I shook my head. "First you think me and Gerard happened now me and Billie." He's more of a teenager than I am.

"I don't believe you, I just wanna make sure you're being safe," he sighed.

"Okay that's a lie, mom put you up to this," I said.

"She's worried about you okay?" He sounded disgusted.

"At least someone is," I rolled my eyes.

"Don't go around having sex Bandit," he walked into his room.

"I'm not!" I yelled, "asshole," I mumbled and after he shut the door I flipped him off. I walked back in my room and shut the door and made sure it was locked.

"What was that about?" Billie popped up.

"You," I sighed.

"Really?" He sounded interested.

"My mother thinks we're dating and my stepdad thinks we're fuck buddies," I sighed and flopped on my bed.

"Parents suck," he laid next to me.

"I need sleep," I rubbed my eyes.

"Okay, I'm tired too," he said then we crawled under the covers. I was out in seconds.


I woke up with a jolt. I was coughing like a maniac. I felt like I was about die. My chest felt like it collapsed. Billie sat up, "What's wrong?"
I looked at him unable to talk. My eyes were wide with fear. I turned away from him and moved farther up on the bed. His arms snaked around me and he hugged me from behind.

"Shh, you're okay. You're safe, shhh," he comforted me. His voice ended up calming me down. It took me a few minutes to steady my breathing but I eventually did. "What's wrong?"

"Nightmare. How'd you know how to calm me down?" I asked.

"I get panic attacks too," he told me, "Do you wanna talk about the nightmare?"

"I have it a lot. The same thing over and over again," I breathed.

"What was it about?" He asked.

"I don't really think I wanna go into detail about that," I scratched my arm in slight fear, "but it always starts out good and then turns into this horrible thing."

"You know I'm here if you need to talk to anyone right?" He looked at me.

"I know I'm just not ready to tell anyone," I looked away.

"Okay," he said resting his chin on my shoulder.

"Someday, someday I'll be ready," I nodded even though that was a lie. I'd never be ready to talk to him or anyone. I've told Gerard. Hell, I did even tell Gerard! Gerard figured all this shit out and helped me a lot.

I turned around and looked at him. I forced a smile then laid back down. He laid down to and pulled me close to him. I lifted my head onto his chest and I let myself relax. He's quite comfortable.

I could tell he slowly fell asleep. I laid awake for a while.

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