Chapter 26: Someone Knows

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Bandit's POV

John was normal, as always. I went up to my room and immediately got in the shower. Mike knows... he knows. What's going to happen now? What's he going to think of me? Who will he tell? "Oh no," I thought out loud.

I leaned against the shower and stared off into space. I let my thoughts take over. Every scenario that could happen. He'll talk to me. He'll tell my parents. I'll get my ass beat. I'll be put in therapy. Billie will think I'm a freak. Anything.


After maybe ten years in the shower, I finally got out. I looked in the mirror and saw the smeared eyeliner under my eyes. I can't tell if it's from me crying or from the shower anymore. I wiped it off and walked into my room.

I put my pajamas on and laid down. I felt sad and wanted to sleep it away. I was also anxious and couldn't stop thinking. I sat in the window with a cigarette watching the broken road.

I saw the car pull into Tré's driveway. Booming with music and smoke coming out of the windows. "Bandita!" Tré got out of the car and looked at me. I waved and weakly smiled at him. Mike and Billie got out of the car, I waved to them. Billie gave me a huge smile and was laughing. Mike gave me a concerned look.

"Come down from our tower my princess! You have a way out y'know," Billie called to me.

"Hang on," I stood up. I slipped on my sneakers and Billie's sweatshirt. I then climbed down the ladder to them.

Billie wrapped his arm around me, I looked at his eyes. He's high as a kite. When is he not? He's so happy right now, I feel like a spitting image of sadness.

"You need to cheer up," he grabbed my face.

"Sleep is what I need," I told him.

"Aw, Bandita is sleepy!" Tré said.

"You should go to bed," Billie said.

"Agreed," I yawned.

"Okay, nightie night," Billie hugged me.

"Night," I said.

"Good night Bandita!" Tré hugged me.

"Night my baby Chipmunk," I told him.

"Goodnight you cuddly thing," Mike picked me up.

"Night, and you have school tomorrow mister! Don't stay up too late. Where should I expect you in the morning?" I asked him.

"Here," he laughed.

"Okay, be ready on time," I said as I walked away. I climbed back up to my room and easily fell asleep now.


I woke up to my alarm. I slapped my table until I found the alarm clock and shut it off. I pushed the covers off and took a minute to stare at the ceiling. Another day... I sighed at the thought then got out of bed.

I put on the first few things that caught my eye in my closet. I went into the bathroom, brushed my hair out, brushed my teeth, then did my makeup. I grabbed my back pack and shoes and went downstairs. I ate a bowl of cereal then left the house.

Mike and I usually get ready earlier now. We tend to just end up sitting on the sidewalk smoking before school so we try to be on time. I walked over to Tré's and knocked on the door. A few minutes later Mike came out.

"You look like shit," I laughed at him.

"I was up until two," we started walking.

"Figures," I shook my head.

"Can we please actually talk later?" He asked.

"Yes," I replied.

"Please just help me understand, I don't need to know fully if you don't want me too, but I'm just trying to help," he explained.

"I know, thank you for that. I just... I just... Ugh I'll explain later it's too early for feelings. Change the subject please," I stammered.

"We wrote a new song," he smiled.

"Tell me more," I smiled back, thank god he did change the subject.

"Billie most certainly wrote it about you," he gave me a dorky smile.

"What's it called?" I asked.

"Only Of You," he replied.

"What's it about?" I continued.

"How he only thinks about you," he poked my shoulder.

"Aw, that's so sweet," I think I blushed a tiny bit.

"I would tell you not to hurt him but I trust you. I think," he glared at me.

"I hope you trust me!" I exclaimed.

"I do, I do, I'm just joking," he patted my back.


The day went by as slow as usual. Billie skipping as always. Mike met me at my locker after school ended. "Ready?" Mike asked.

"Yeah," I shut my locker and we left the school.

"How was class?" He sighed.

"Same old crap," I shrugged. The rest of the walk to my house we complained about teachers and homework. We got to my house and went up to my room. "So," I sighed.

"Why?" He said immediately.

"Because," I sat down on the bed, "I don't even know why anymore. I did it when I was younger, and it just helps somehow."

"You're killing yourself," he sat next to me.

"Gerard said the same thing," I wiped away a few tears that slipped from my eyes.

"He knows?" He asked.

"He knows more about me than I do," I looked at him. "He got me to stop for a while, but when I got here I... everything got bad again. I met you, Billie, and Tré and I love you guys it just we all have something bad in our lives."

"What is it?" He put his hand on my back.

"John... I really don't wanna get into detail about it," I bowed my head.

"I would ask you to stop but I know that won't do anything," he said.

"I'm sorry," I told him.

"Bandit no, don't be. It's not your fault," he wrapped his arm around me. "If anything I'm sorry."

"I just don't know what to do," I put my face in my hands.

"You're not alone, okay? I'm here," he told me.

"Thanks Mike," I lifted my head and gave him a weak smile.

He pulled me into a hug, "wipe those tears," he told me.

"You're a good friend," I told him and he gave me a smile.

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