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Everyday was like hell. No happiness, just tortures. I want to leave this place but I can't. I can never escape this reality. I'm born to die in this place, this family, this life. No one can save, not even myself can, not anyone, not ever. 


Here I am crying on the floor, in pain, my mother was standing in front of me with a whip in her hand. A unreadable expression was on her face. "I told you to do as I say or else you will regret it, didn't I, Y/N?" She wasn't really my mother, instead, she's my step-mother. The one who my father married when I was only seven, bringing my step sister with her. My mother who gave birth to me died when I was five. I miss her. 

"Eomma! Stop wasting your time on her. She won't do it anyway. I'll go find a job and get the money that you want, that's why I'm here for, right?" My step sister, whose my step-mom's, said not sparing a look at me. I didn't dare to look up into their eyes, afraid that I'll get another whip. 

My step mom smile and pat her head, "No sweetie you don't need to exhaust yourself. We have Y/N here for a reason too therefore you just rest assure and go to school and find a man to marry when it's time." She said. They both smile at the thought. I quickly make a run for it out of the mad house. Not forgetting my book bag, I dash out in a hurry. 

As soon as I got to school, I slipped on my pair of leggings that I have in my bag. Then I pull out my notebook and a pencil to use in any cases of communication. Since, I've been abused lately through my whole life, I just don't talk no more. I can't do that. My step-mother hates me talking back so I keep quiet, people at my old school hates my voice supposedly it's annoying, and my little sister believes that I shouldn't even be saying anything if I basically have nothing to say. So, I just become mute. No words come out from me but words on paper and pencils. That's just how my life's been. I can't talk, knowing that I'll only get hurt. Now I'm sixteen but still, no words.

I let out a small sigh and walk out from the girl's bathroom. Classes has already started. I'm late for about ten minutes. Oh well, not like anyone notice it. I hug my notebook tight to my chest and walk into my classroom. All eyes were on me. I gulp at the unwanted attention and bow to get to my seat in peace. Someone stuck out their leg and I tripped. The whole class begins to laugh at me and I shook it off. It's not like I haven't been picked on either. Like I said, no one can save me.

I got up to go to my next class after this one ended but then my teacher told me to wait. I did as I was told to. She closes the door and smiles kindly to me. Gesturing me to go over to her I hesitate. "Tell me, what did they do this time?" She asks me. As soon as the question slipped out, I couldn't hold in my tears no more. Crying silently, she comforts me. Some students were waiting outside of her classroom, waiting to come inside. I shook my head and told her to not worry. Mrs. Min was my only teacher that I can talk to and tell everything to. I trusted her. She wanted me to tell the police but I didn't. I don't want to make it even more worse than it is already. She sighs and nodded in understanding. 

I wipe my tears and got my stuffs, walking out of her classroom I accidentally bump into someone, causing me to fall backward onto the floor. I dropped my notebook and pencil. Quickly I got up and bow in apology. He chuckles but I didn't look up. His laugh was nice though, "Is this yours?" He ask me. I look at my notebook in his hand and took it. All of the girls in our area was glaring daggers at me and whispering to each other. I bow again and walk away in a hurry. His friends were talking. "Whose that?" "Well that was rude. Not even saying thank you." One of two of them ask. No just because they're in the same school as me doesn't mean that I know them. I don't pay attention as much since I'm always avoiding people. But that guys, something about him, he seems nice in a way. 'No, anyone can be nice, Y/N.' I mentally slap myself. Of course, duh. I'm so stupid. 


 A NEW Book again. I know, I have too much to work on. Though, I'm trying to put them all down before I lose the idea. I like sharing my ideas and imaginations with you guys so please bare with me and enjoy!

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