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"What do you want?" I ask Seungmin who is currently sitting on my couch, in the living room. I stand before him waiting for an answer as to why he suddenly appear in my house.

"So, you're now dating Somi?" He ask me, holding his glass cup of water that I serve to him.

"Why are we always talking about whether I like her or not?" I ask him. This guy just keep getting on my nerves. "If you have something to say then say it."

Seungmin set his cup down and stand up facing me. "If you're jealous the fact that I'm always with Y/N then you shouldn't care as much because she doesn't feel the same way for me." He told me flat out. I stare back at him with eyes widen.

"Bwo?" I thought she like him though.

"She likes someone else." He said.

"And? What's that got to do with me? Also, no, I am not jealous. I'm dating Somi who I have a crush on and I'm happy." I said. Seungmin clenched his teeth tight and crumble his fist.

"You haven't notice have you?" He went on with his sentence. I furrow my eyebrows in confusion. "You've been pissing off every time I'm with her and you're also getting way to possessive of Y/N. If you're with Somi then shouldn't you let go of Y/N?"

I felt my breath hitch a bit and then the beating of my heart started beating rapidly.

"No, I haven't notice anything. I know myself more than you think because I am me and you are you so don't worry. Sorry if I've been acting like a douche but I've just been going through lots of things lately and I can't seem to sort it out. I need time." I said not looking at him. Seungmin sighs and begin to make his way to my front door.

"If you don't like her then you shouldn't be holding onto her. If you're serious about helping her then my advice for you is to think before you act starting now." He said lastly before closing the door.

I scoff to myself. "Who does he think he is to be telling me what to do? Y/N is fine. Of course I'm staying with her except that I have girlfriend now so it might be different somehow since they don't get along." I sigh at the end and the bed room door from upstairs open. My brother came down and stare at me intensively.

"You got some explaining to do, Jisung." My brother demand. Here we go again with the girlfriend and boyfriend talk.


I watch as my sister try to think of something else to say. 

"Jisung obviously doesn't know who Somi is because if he did I'm sure he would've fallen for you instead." Sohye said, trying to get me to forget what I was feeling. 

"He wouldn't like me. It'll just be me and me alone. It's always been like that. Give me some space please?" I told her and she got up to do as I say, leaving my room.

Before she closes the door I add in, "Oh please don't tell anyone about this. I don't want him to know who his girlfriend is." Sohye look at me in confusion but then nodded. A part of me trusts Sohye. It's just a feeling I have. 

Right when I lay on my bed a text message came through my phone. I sigh and check the message. 

"Do you want to hang out?"  It was from the squirrel. I threw my phone across my room and let the tear escape my eyes. Right when I can barely smile he had to text me as if we were still close. 

Sohye came back in after hearing a loud crash which was my phone being thrown. It's possibly cracked now. She picked it up and sighs when she saw. 

"Get some rest." She said taking my broken phone with her. I didn't reply but she knew already that I wouldn't be saying anything. Way to add more to my depressing ass life. 

I lean back on the bed and try to find some sleeps to relax my brain. Though, I couldn't because the first thing tat came to my head was Jisung the moment I close them. If I close my eyes I feel like the tears were going to come out. I want to smack him so bad for being stupidly dumb. 

Who knows how long I've been laying in bed for all I know is that someone called me to go down stair. 

"Y/N, you have a guest!" My father yelled. I wipe my face and quickly make my way down to greet who ever decided to drop by. Right when I entered the living room my eyes spotted someone who I didn't want to see at the moment. He smile but it wasn't that same one as before. Something must've happened. Not my problem.

"Hello, Y/N, you didn't text back so I thought that maybe something happened." He mumbles. I scoffed which caught him off guard. I smirk to cover my tears that were threatening to fall at the sight of him in front of me as if he's done nothing. 

"I'm perfectly fine. Maybe not mentally but other than that I'm good. How's Somi?" I ask, cringing at my own self for asking about his girlfriend whom I hate. He smiles at the thought of her and I felt like barfing. 

"Are you okay? You know you can tell tell me anything right?" He said this time which makes me just want to punch him for not opening his eyes to understand me. This guy can't ever read me, can he? He's too caught up in life to notice me hurting alone. I sigh causing him to look at me in concern. 

"Go away." I finally said. I need space. I need to find myself again before I even start talking to him. It's just recently that I've started talking again so for now I just need time alone to comprehend what's going on. 

"Y/N..." Jisung begin. I turn away from him trying to walk away back up to my room but then he take my hand stopping me from doing so. "Look at me, Y/N." I can't do that Jisung. You have a girlfriend so why won't you just go to her? Why bother about me? I turn back to face him but this time the tears were visible now. Jisung's eyes widen.

"Am I the problem?" He ask me and I smirk behind my tears. "Do you not need me anymore?" He ask me this time and I chuckle. He really think so? It's actually me thinking that. I never ask him to stay to begin with. He wanted to stay instead. 

"What if you are?" I finalized and he finally let go of my hand. Backing away from me he laughs half heartily. He was broken but I didn't know it. He was hurt by my words but I didn't know it either. Even if I did it's not important. 

"I guess you really want me to leave then." He said above a whisper. I wasn't looking into his eyes this time but if I did then I would see the tears in his eyes. His voice cracked a bit, "I guess you really don't need me anymore. You have Seungmin I should've known." He said before walking out the front door in a hurry. I drop onto my knee and my father came to my side. Hugging me I release my tears. 

He's the reason for her tears but she was his tear. She was the reason why he left. He was the reason why she smile but now he's gone. 



This ain't the end guys FYI!

This book might be up till chapter 30.

I actually like this book so I'll keep writing it as best as I can. I'm already planning a few things that's gonna happen in this book so just stay back and wait LOL.

Words can hurt ones heart. 

Action can hurt one's state. What's worse?

Say, I Love You ; Stray Kids Jisung Fanfic ✔️Where stories live. Discover now