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We make our way inside and take our seat near the back corner where its more peaceful. Jisung take a seat across from me and waited for the waitress to come take our orders.

"Do you want the usual?" He ask me and I nodded.

After giving out our orders he grabs my hand which is on the table. I look at him and he play with my fingers like he was wanting me to say something.

"Did I do something wrong?" He mumbles. I pull my hands away from him but he grabbed onto it tight by intertwining our fingers together.

"Do you really not trust me?" I was taken aback by his questions. Why would he ask that?

"I heard you talking to Somi and your sister. You even hurt them with your own hands. How is that possible?" He said in monotone this time.

After asking me a few questions I couldn't answer him back. Jisung groan and stood up to leave the table. "I'm going to the restroom." I was left alone thinking about my answers.

"You didn't do anything. It was just my feelings." I mumble. Somehow I feel like I can talk when I'm around him. Its like I have the right to talk. I coukdnt mutter a word when others are around but when its us I can say anddo whatever I like and he wouldn't mind me. I think I might try again somehow. Maybe not this time but soon and someday I will try again, that is, if he stay.


I shut the door and sigh. I slide my fingers through my hair and groan in frustration. Why is she so hard to get to? I thought she trusted me. I thought she wanted me to stay. I heard my phone ring and I pick up.

"Hello?" I said and Seungmin's voice came through.

"Are you talking to her?" He ask.

"Yes, why?"

"Sorry but I just want to confirm something first. Is it true that you like Somi?" I felt my breath hitch.

"Y-Yes? Its more like a small crush its not like I know her personally. Why ask?" I ask him this time. Somehow I feel like he's trying to find something out.

"Nothing. I just wanted to know if it was true or not. Do you know who Somi is?" He ask this time.

My eyebrows furrows, "Not really that's why I'm going to try to get to know her more. Seungmin what are you up to?"

"I just want to know that's all. Is Y/N okay?" I felt a annoying piercing going through my chest when he asked. It annoys me.

"Of course she's fine. She likes me around. I'm helping her. Now is that all you call me for?"

"Yea that's all I want to confirm." Then he hangs up. I roll my eyes and slide my phone back in my pocket. Why do he seem so off? Why is he so interested into my relationships now?


Seungmin texted me and I felt like my heart has just been torn to pieces.

"He likes Somi"

I crumble my fist under the table and my other hand holding my phone tightly. I see Jisung plop himself in front of me and smiles.

"Sorry I took so long." He came right on time when the food was coming to us. I nodded and begin to eat up. The rest of the time there we both ate in silence. Once in a while I would notice Jisung's eyes on me but I shook it off. I'm used to his staring now. He does that every time knowing how insecure and quiet I am. My phone rang but he grabbed it before I did. 

"It's your father." He said, his eyebrows furrows. He picks up.


"Where's my daughter?"

"Here eating with me."

"Why did you take her?"

"I wanted to spend some times with her, sir." 

"I want her back home safe and sound you heard me. I don't care what kind of relationship you have with her but better bring her back home." 

"Yes sir. Sorry about what happened previously though. Hehehe." Jisung scratched his neck nervously and hang up the phone. "Your dad wants you back home." He sighs. I smile and got up. He paid for the food and we both head out into the night. 

The two of us walked silently back to my house. Usually I would like the silent between us but somehow this is different from the usual. It seems like he had something he wants to say to me but he just won't say it. I took in a deep breath and magically he did to.

"We need to talk." We both said in unison. His eyes widen.

"Whoa, since you're actually talking how about you go first then." His smile never change.

"Umm...how should I say this?" I mumble to myself nervously. Stupid Y/N why did you have to speak up? I sigh and turn back to face him. "I want to get to know you more." I said but it came out more like  question. Jisung blinked twice.

"Sure. I don't see why not. If you want to know more about me then I want you to relax and don't hesitate to speak up like you did now." Slowly, his hand came up onto my head, ruffling my air. I could feel the blood rushing up to my face. "I'm Han Jisung. I have a group of friends who finds you really interesting. I like hugs and reaching out for others who needs me. I'm here to stay and I won't leave. My favorite color is red and I love music and my current goal is to hear your singing voice one more time." He beams. I giggle which got him off guard. 

"See." He said. I look back at him and he grabs on hold of my shoulders. "You're smile is beautiful." I was stunned with confusion. He laughs. "Let's get you home before your dad kills me." He take my hand and walk me home. 


I didn't know why I said that. I told her she was beautiful. Not going to lie she is beautiful too but somehow it's different when I say it to her. Compare to how I look at Somi, Y/N seems so right in a way. I'm so confusing. My thoughts are going crazy about who am I really focusing on. It's not like I like her. She's my best friend. She also definitely doesn't feel the same way knowing how much she wants me to leave. I meant to say that her voice was beautiful but it came out as you're beautiful.  

We got to her house and I could feel her hand squeeze mine. I glance down at her but she wasn't looking at me. "We're home." I said. Y/N shook her head and her grip tighten on me. 

"Is something wrong?" I ask this time. She took out her phone.

"I think I might've fallen in love." 


TBH I think this is getting stupid so it's about time I make her put her phone aside. It's about time so in the next few chapters some interesting shiteu gonna happen and then BAMBAM she ain't gonna use her phone no more but her voice. Ya'll might hate me in a way though LOL.

Is this story even good anymore good? I feel like it's all still in the same place. Is it too slow?

Say, I Love You ; Stray Kids Jisung Fanfic ✔️Where stories live. Discover now