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I walk home alone after getting in an argument with my best friend. She wants me gone? Is this how we're going to end? I sigh and decided to let it all go. I'll respect her wish. Then again she can't just make me leave without a reason. If she doesn't want to tell me then I won't force her either. I groan the moment I enter the house. My brother look up from his phone. 

"How'd it go?" He ask. I roll my eyes.

"She wants me gone." Was all I said before going up to my bed room. I just think we need time away from each other for the time being.

"Hold on, did you even tell her the reason why you appear at her house?" My brother stops me. A sigh escape my mouth and I crumble my fist at the words she said previously.

"No, I couldn't because she have Seungmin which means I should just stay with Somi. I have a girlfriend so why bother? It'll be cheating if I do that." I said before leaving m brother alone. 


"So what is going on between you and Seungmin?" My brother ask, making me sit down in front of him in the living room right after Seungmin left the place. I cross my arms.

"Why ask?"

"Because usually you guys wouldn't bother about a girl or be so talkative about a girl before."  I sigh at his reply.

"Seungmin likes my best friend, so what?" I said back.

"Yes, I know that because I heard it too. She doesn't like him though so why are you so bothered about her when you have  a girlfriend?" He ask me this time. I scoffed not really knowing where this is going. 

"to begin with I met her first so I should be her friend she tell her worries to but ever since Somi transfer in she's just been off lately. Will this be enough?" I ask half annoyed. My brother slammed his fist on the coffee table startling me. 

"Stop being a kid and grow up. My next question is this and you better answer honestly. Do you like her?" My eyes widen. Not this again.

"N-No." I stuttered. Crap why now? He looks amused for a bit but then furrows his brows.

"Do you love her?" He ask me this time.

"W-Why are we talking about this again?" 

"Just answer me."

"Yes." He smirk at my final answer. I roll my eyes. 

"So what? Can I not love her?" He was still smirking.

"You may think you love her that way but to me and Seungmin it's the other way around." He stood up, pats my back, and said, "If you love Y/N then better make sure she knows it before it's too late. You said that she trusts you a lot right?" I remain quiet and he hum at my silence.


Jisung threw himself onto the bed after coming home from his friend's house. For the moment he was confused about his feelings. Why does his brother and his friend keeps asking him question about the two girls. 

He knew for a fact that Y/N is mad at him. Somi on the other hand is in love with him and is basically just a girl who he finds interest in. Why did he even decided to say yes to her confession to begin with? Couldn't he just waited to get to know her better? 

Jisung smack himself across the face at his stupidity. Why do he feel so nervous around Y/N? Why do he feel so bother when Seungmin is with her? He shouldn't be feeling this way anyway because he have a girlfriend. 

He grab his phone and begin typing something down to his girlfriend. 

"I think I need some time off. Wanna go on a date?"

I click send and she got on right away. 


He smile but then soon Y/N's painful expression flashed back into his head. He shot my eyes open and take in a few deep breaths. He turn over to the side of his bed and sigh. 'I just need some times away from her.'


Y/N enter her classroom. She took her seat and set her head down on her desk. That day she went to school the earliest. Not a lot of people appeared to school yet which means extra time for her to take a nap. 

She took her nap peacefully. She must've been very tired to be sleeping so peacefully and undisturbed. As Y/N slept her morning away she didn't feel someone tucking away the hair strands that was covering her face. The person watched in awe as she slept undisturbed. 

'She's beautiful.' He finally thought. 

"Seungmin-ah!" Hyunjin came to his side and said. He notice the girl sleeping and smile. 

"Were you watching, Y/N?" He ask his best friend who happens to be standing in front of her desk. The boy blush and quickly look away to hide his blush.

"N-No I was not. I was just passing by." Seungmin said, denying the truth. Hyunjin sighs at the realization. He knew what was going on between his two best friend. 

"Hey, do you like Y/N?" He suddenly asks his friend. Seungmin didn't move his eyes away from her. Noticing how he wasn't going to get an answer from his friend he decided to walk away but then Seungmin spoke up, "Yeah, I do." 

Hyunjin turned around and furrows his eyebrows. "You do know that Jisung-ah also likes her right?" He went on and Seungmin smirks.

"He doesn't like her because he's with Somi." He followed Hyunjin out but then this time Hyunjin smirked causing his friend to look at him funny.

"Course he don't like her but he loves her."



What's the worse to come?

I'm on summer break which means I'll update almost everyday now so it's not just Saturday that I'll be updating on. 

Say, I Love You ; Stray Kids Jisung Fanfic ✔️Where stories live. Discover now