Chapter 13

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Jen's P.O.V.

Chapter 13

The next day we decided to all go out and find some rides instead of wasting the day. We were in Disneyland so we weren't gonna waste our time. Me and Josh haven't spoke about the incident since last night and I don't think we will at all. It's behind us, and to be honest it wasn't that much of a big deal.

We all met in the breakfast buffet and stacked our plates to the very top, I had 4 rashers of bacon, 2 fried eggs, 3 pancakes with maple syrup, sausages and tomatoes, it was very filling. "Woah Jen, could you eat anymore?" Sam said with a smirk on his face. "Shut up Sam." I said before chucking a tomato at him, sadly, it missed by the slightest bit. Yet he still threw his hands up in surrender which I had to laugh at.

After breakfast we went to the gift shop to have a look around, I saw a cute keying and josh decided to buy it for me. He was so sweet. Next we went on the biggest ride at Disney land, it was massive and I had such a fear of roller coasters but I didn't want to be the only one not riding it and the taunting from Sam would be endless. I got on it next to josh and started breathing slowly and heavily, what a lousy attempt to try and compress my fears. When we started going up I grabbed Josh's hand and squeezed it so hard I am surprised it didn't come off. "It's ok baby." Was the last thing I heard before we were flying. I screeched at the top if my lungs as we flew around the track. I was genuinely scared for my life. I started worrying and hyperventilating, so I dug my face into Josh's neck and just like always, it fit perfectly. When we got off the ride I was super dizzy and thought I was gonna throw up so I sat on the floor and put my head I between my knees whilst josh rubbed my back. Later we went on less scary rides and went into more gift shops, it was genuinely one of the best days of my life.

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