Chapter 47

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Josh's P.O.V.

Chapter 47

As soon as I got back to Sam's house I phoned Liam, Jena, Woody and Elizabeth and told them to come round.

When they arrived, we all sat in the living room quite awkwardly. Sam and Liz looked genuinely sad, Liam and Woody looked quite confused, and Jena, well... If looks could kill...

"Ok, so you all know why your here. I'm really hoping you could help me, because I trust you guys more than anyone." I gulped, looking at them all nervously.

"Why should we help you?" Jena growled, seething at me.

"Look, I know I fucked up, and I know I don't deserve your help. But I'm asking you guys out of love now, not because I deserve it. I need Jen back, my life isn't worth living without her, and I need to fix that. I've told you my side of the story, and I'm sorry if you don't agree with me. But I need her back." I announced to the group.

"Ok, what do you propose we do?" Liam asked.

I smirked a devious little smirk at them.
"Oh, I have a plan."


Jen's P.O.V.

As I sat on the sofa, tears were still running down my face whilst I was watching dance moms reruns and eating cool ranch doritos, I thought about everything. What did I do wrong? Why did josh leave me? THE TWAT KISSED ME!!!

I wanted more than anything to be in Josh's arms, why did he find it so hard to believe me? I would never cheat on him, I love him too much... But then he just spits it back in my face, as-if to say he doesn't care. He is the one with trust issues, clearly. If that's how he wants to treat me then I am better off without him.


I tied my trainer laces and closed the front door behind me, and then jogged down the drive. Yep, that's right. I'm actually going to go for a jog and do something productive, it's better than sitting around waiting for that piece of crap to come back. Who needs him?

After jogging for an hour, I stumbled through my front door and collapsed onto the couch, I was NEVER jogging again.

*beep beep*

Oh. That's my iPhone. I dug around on the sofa for it but it was no-where to be seen.

*beep beep*

"Damn it, where are you!?!" I shouted frustratedly. Suddenly the ringing stopped so I sat back onto the sofa.

A few minutes later my home phone started ringing so I eventually pulled myself off of the sofa and got it.

"Hello?" I said innocently.
"Jennifer?" Said a female voice.
"This is she." I said slowly.
"It's Jena. Pack your bag, we are going on holiday." She told me abruptly before hanging up.

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