Chapter 41

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Jen's P.O.V
Chapter 41

"Are you ready to go?" I asked josh, walking into his hospital room.

Josh had been awake for 4 days now, and finally we were allowed to take him home. The deal was that he could leave if he had someone who knew exactly what was going on with his condition, or he had to stay for another 3 days. Lucky he lived with me, right?

For the past 4 days, I haven't been home once. Josh had been trying to convince me to go home for a bit for the first 2 days, but when I made it clear that I wasn't going to budge, he knew he had lost so gave up.

Over the past 4 days, he has had more visitors than there are stars in the sky. They have all tried to hold his attention, but he ignored them all and only wanted my company. For the brief minute we were alone, I tried to explain that he had to give time to everyone else too, that I wasn't going anywhere. But he really didn't listen to a word of that.

"Yeah, I just wanna be at home with you, let's get out of this hell hole." He answered me, looking around at his small room.

He picked up the last few of his belongings and we walked- well... I walked, and he hobbled with his crutches, down to the reception.

"You go and get changed out of that stupid hospital gown, and I'll sign the forms to check you out." I told him before walking over to the lady at the main desk.


I helped josh into the passenger seat of the car and put his crutches on the back seat before jumping into the drivers seat myself.

The drive home was surprisingly quick. I helped josh carry his things and took them up to our room whilst he crashed onto the couch.

Josh's P.O.V.

I fell backwards onto the couch as Jen took all of my hospital shit upstairs. I felt bad that she had to do it all, but every time I try to object, she just ignores me and does it anyway. She is so stubborn.

I pull myself up and hobble over to the DVDs before picking Grown ups 2, and shoving it into the tv.

Jen walked in and sat next to me on the couch, clutching 3 packets of cool ranch Doritos.

"What are we watching?" She asked me.
"Grown ups 2." I replied, opening the bag of crisps.


After the film ended, and we had eaten all of the Doritos. Jen put it back into the case and onto the shelf before slumping next to me again.

"What do you wanna do now?" She asked.

"I have an idea." I replied, seductively winking at her.

Guys yay new chapter, I hope it's long but I can't really tell when writing it tbh. Sorry it took me so long, but now we are back on track and I hate to say it but it wont stay calm for long...

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