Chapter 50

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Jen's P.O.V.

Chapter 50

"Woah..." I mumbled as I walked into the giant hotel room.
"You like it?" Said a voice behind me, making me jump.
"Urm... Yeah, I love it. It's incredible." To be honest I had forgot he was behind me, I was too caught up in this breath-taking room.

I walked through the hotel, looking around at all of the little details. In the bathroom there was a shower with loads of jets and also a massive jacuzzi in the middle of the room. The kitchen was giant and had 3 massive fridges, already filled with food. Finally, I walked into the bedroom, it was the most incredible thing I had ever seen in my life. There was a giant fishtank replacing a wall at the end of the king sized double bed.

Wait. Double bed?

"Erm... Josh?" I called out.
"Yeah?" He replied, coming into the room and flopping down on the bed.
"Where is the other bed?" I asked him.
"What other bed?" He questioned.

"Oh my god... Josh, so you think that just because you booked a holiday, kidnapped me, very romantically might I add, and booked a fancy hotel, you think that I forgive you and am going to sleep with you? Is that how you thought it would work, Just like that?" I asked him.

"Urm..." He murmured, scratching the back of his neck.
"Fucking hell." I said before going to the cupboard in the corner of the luxurious bedroom, pulling out a blanket and pillow and making my way to the lounge.

"Woah, where are you going?" Josh questioned me, quickly following me.
"To make up a bed on the sofa." I answered.

"I don't think so Jen, I booked this for you so if you really insist on sleeping without me, then I'll take the couch." He told me sternly.

That was why I loved josh, he put you first. I could so easily run into his arms right now. It's quite hard keeping a secret that I've never felt better than right now, being back in his presence.

The only thought keeping me from running back to him is the fact that he probably treated Claudia the exact same.

"Erm... Thanks." I said before turning and beginning to walk back to the bedroom.

"Oh, Jen?" Josh called from behind me.
"Yeah?" I shouted.
"Were going out for dinner, wear something pretty." He states.
"Don't I always?" I joked.
"Mmm Hmm." He mumbled before going to shower.


"For you, my lady." Josh said in a posh British voice, whilst pulling out my seat.
"Thank you." I laughed, settling into my chair.

After a few minutes of studying the menu, josh broke the silence.

"So what are you ordering?" He asked me.
"I'm not sure, what about you?" I questioned.
"The Prawn Cocktail for a starter, The lobster for a main, and a key lime pie for dessert." He told me.
"Oh my god, that sounds good, you mind if I have that too?" I asked him, slightly embarrassed.
"Jen, why would I mind?" He laughed, I just shrugged.

"Hello sir, madam. May I take your orders?" Said a French man, obviously a waiter.

"Yes, could we please have 2 prawn cocktails to start, and then 2 lobsters for a main?" Josh told the man.

"Of course sir, and drinks?" The waiter asked us.
Josh looked at me for confirmation before speaking.
"A bottle of the house wine please?"


"Oh my god, that was so good. I can't eat another thing! But I was looking forward to that key lime pie! These are the struggles of being a pig." I laughed.

"Jen your not a pig, you just eat well." Josh chuckled. I just nodded along.

"I have an idea. I'm pretty full aswell, so how about we share a key lime pie?" Josh suggested.

"Yeah ok. Good idea, Thank you." I smiled at him.

When josh had ordered, he went to the bathroom, leaving me with time to think.

Josh was being incredibly sweet, just like he always was. He isn't just being romantic and kind to win me over again, that's just him normally. Could there ever be a better man than that? I don't think you can get better than josh. But then he didn't believe me, and he left me when I needed him most, what with the paparazzi attacking the kiss situation with nick, and josh knows how bad I get my anxiety when the paps start to get involved. But he left me.

"Hey, has the pie come yet?" Josh appeared, snapping me out of my trance.

"Oh, urm... no?" I mumbled, trying to play it off.
"Is everything ok? You seemed to zone out there." He asked me, frowning.

"I'm fine, and no. It hasn't come." I confirmed.
"Ok, it shouldn't be too long then." He told me.

"Key lime pie for the lady, and for sir." The waiter interrupted, placing our pie in the middle of the table, with a spoon.
We both thanked him before he walked away.

"This looks so good!" I exclaimed whilst picking up the spoon and taking a bite.
"OMG it is so good!! I laughed to myself.

Josh shook his head at me, smiling.
"What?" I questioned, my smile slowly fading.

"I love you so much, Jennifer Lawrence." He stated, continuing to shake his head.
"Josh, don't say that." I said blankly.

"Why not Jennifer? I love you, I have always loved you. Why should I lie? You know me. I have never been a liar, so why the hell would I lie about something like this? I love you Jen. It may not have been that long since I left, but not a day, not a second has passed that I haven't thought about you. I can't be friends with you anymore. I have to be able to call you mine, it's killing me inside. I need you. I love you." He told me.

"Josh... I used to believe that, but you left me, and you didn't trust me, you accused me of cheating on you. You need trust in a relationship. If you don't have trust, then what do you have? I loved you more than anything, I still do, but you left. I don't know if I can forgive you for that." I replied, choosing my words carefully.

"I understand that. Can we have the check please?" He whispered to me before asking the waiter for the bill.

After that we left in silence.


Josh's P.O.V.

I slammed the hotel door behind me and sat onto the sofa/my bed for the next 3 weeks. Jen sat down next to me.

"Thank you so much for tonight. It was incredible." She thanked me.

"Anything for you Jen, I mean it." I told her.

She smiled her beautiful smile at me before leaning in and kissing me.

GUYS JOSHIFER IS BACK IN BUISNESS!!! Woooo! This is my 50th chapter so I wanted to make it extra special :) I hope you enjoy. Like and Comment :)

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