Chapter 4: Second Meeting

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Jaejoong had no idea what has gotten on his mind. They have to wake up early the next day and he was supposed to rest and yet there he is on his way to meet a girl. He grabbed his coat and car keys then went to get his car.

When he reached the café he looked around expecting to see a familiar face which never left his mind since that morning when he met her for the first time. She’s just too pretty to be easily forgotten. He smiled when he spotted her sitting alone in a corner. She probably noticed him first before he did because when he spotted her she was already staring at him with those pretty eyes of hers.

He walked towards her, happiness building up inside of him. If it was due to the relief of having his phone back or the fact that he was able to meet her for the second time, Jaejoong wasn’t so sure.


Seohyun saw a familiar face from the corner of her eyes. When she turned to look she saw Jaejoong enter the shop. Her heart started beating faster for no reason. Jaejoong looked around as if he’s looking for someone. When he finally met her gaze, she held her breath. She almost forgot how good-looking he really is.

Jaejoong started walking towards her and with every step he takes her heart beats extra faster. How can he be so damn good-looking? She couldn’t help but stare. Meeting Jaejoong that night would have really been a good thing. It could save her a lot of trouble returning the phone. Yes, it would have been a good thing if only this guy would stop making her heart beat so fast.

When Jaejoong finally reached her table he said, “Annyeonghaseyo…” The sound of his voice made her snap out of her reverie.

“Annyeonghaseyo…” she replied. Jaejoong sat on the chair in front of her.

 “Sorry for leaving so suddenly this morning.”

“No, it’s ok.” Seohyun said with a calmness she never feels. She hoped Jaejoong wouldn’t notice her unease.

A waiter passed by their table and asked if Jaejoong wanted something. He ordered a coffee and a few minutes later the waitress, who seemed like she recognized him, was back carrying a tray of black coffee. Seohyun wondered if it’s alright to be with this superstar in that time of day at that kind of place.

Seohyun remembered the phone resting on her hands. “Here…” she gave Jaejoong his phone.

“Thanks.” Seohyun could see relief in his eyes and she’s a little happy that she can do something for Jaejoong.

“By any chance did you happen to see...” Jaejoong asked and Seohyun understood at once what he meant. She blushed and nodded her head. “Sorry…” she said.

Jaejoong grimaced in embarrassment. “No, it’s my fault… Anyway, thanks. Really… You saved me. Those guys will kill me if this thing goes in public.” Jaejoong smiled and Seohyun’s heart started beating like crazy again.

“No, it’s nothing. Since I decided to take a vacation here in Tokyo I thought maybe I should drop by your place and return the phone.”

“Are you also working for SME? I don’t think I’ve seen you before.”

“No… I was…” she paused trying to think of an excuse. Somehow something’s stopping her from telling Jaejoong that she’s the daughter of SME’s CEO. “I came to visit my Dad. He’s… he’s an employee.”

“Oh~ I see… I’m really sorry for all the trouble, Seohyun-shi.”

“It’s alright. Don’t worry about it.”

“I wanted to stay a bit longer but I’m afraid I can’t.”

“It’s fine. I’m about to leave anyway.” She lied. She wanted to be with him a little longer. She didn’t want to be alone. But since she couldn’t admit it, she just pretended it was alright. She asked for the bill and paid with her credit card. Minutes later the waitress came back and with an apologetic face she said. “Do you have any other card, ma’am?” Since she couldn’t speak Japanese that well, Jaejoong had to explain to her the situation and even offered to pay but her pride prevented her from accepting the offer.

She tried using her other cards but all of them were rejected. She couldn’t be more embarrassed than this.

“I’ll pay for it,” Jaejoong told the waiter.

“No, it’s ok. I’ll pay in cash.”

“I insist. Besides I owe you one for the phone.” Seohyun finally agreed.

She made a quick count on how much cash left in her wallet then she realized it wouldn’t even last for a day. Seohyun couldn’t believe her father would go to this extent. So this is what her father meant when he said, Come back home before I forced you to. Nothing good had ever happened to her that day except perhaps meeting Jaejoong. So much for hoping that birthday would be any different from her previous ones… She took a last sip of her coffee and grimaced from the bitterness of it. Just what she needed…

You’re in a vacation right? How long do you plan to stay here in Tokyo?” Jaejoong asked.

With a bitter smile she replied, “I wish I can stay long but I don’t think I can.”

“Why not?”

Why not? Let’s see… Her Japanese sucks and she’s broke. Either she goes back home now or get stuck here in Tokyo and die. It seems like she’s the most unlucky person in the world. It’s her birthday and she doesn’t even have the chance to have fun. All the anger she feels wanted to explode that she couldn’t keep it inside of her any longer. Before she knew it a tear already fell from her eyes and Jaejoong already noticed it before she can hide it.

“Gwenchana??” he asked in a worried voice.

She tried to wipe the tears away, hoping he didn’t notice. “Yeah. I’m fine.” She lied. She was proud of herself for being someone who never cries in front of anybody. But today, she did it for the first time. And worse it had to be in front of Kim Jaejoong.


For the first time in his life Jaejoong had no idea what to do. The moment he saw that single tear that fell from her eyes he fought the urge to wipe it away. She looked so frail and Jaejoong wondered about the reason for those tears. “Gwenchana??” he asked feeling a little stupid since it’s obvious she’s not feeling fine.

She wiped the tears that fell from her eyes and flashed an apologetic smile. “Yeah, I’m fine.” It was a total lie and Jaejoong was aware of it. He noticed a lot of people in the coffee shop were already staring at them and he didn’t like it not because he’s worried that the scene they’re making will start a gossip but because he’s worried Seohyun might feel even more uncomfortable than she already is.

“No you’re not fine. Common let’s get out of here…” He paid for their bill then left holding Seohyun by the hand.

“Wait Jaejoong-sshi…” she said, almost out of breath from walking too fast. Jaejoong let her go. They were just a few feet away from his car.

“I’ll drive you home.” He said then opened the door for her.

While thinking about her empty hotel room, Seohyun felt even worse. She doesn’t want to go home just yet. Her birthday is almost over but no one, except her driver and personal maid, had greeted her “Happy Birthday”.

“Seohyun-ah…” She looked surprised and Jaejoong couldn’t blame her since he was surprised as well. He wasn’t so sure how he managed to come up with that nickname but he definitely like the sound of it.

“How old are you, Seohyun-ah?” He wanted to know if she’s a noona or a dongseang so he’ll know how to address her.

“17…” Seohyun who is not used to hearing Jaejoong calling her with familiarity made a mistake. “I mean… 18… I just turned 18 today,” she clarified.

“It’s your birthday then…”

“Yeah… the worst it seems…” Whatever reason she has for saying that is obviously making her down and Jaejoong doesn’t want to add to her pain by asking.

He checked his watch. It’s about two hours before midnight. He flashed her a smile hoping to cheer her up. “Jaa~ let’s make this the best birthday ever…”

“I thought you said you can’t stay long.”

“That was before I knew it’s your birthday.” Jaejoong looked so excited as if it was his birthday and not hers. Seohyun suddenly found herself smiling for no reason. Jaejoong’s vigor and energy seemed to be contagious.

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