Chapter 12: Alone

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Their days are still as busy as they usually are and today is nothing different. But unlike other days, today, Jaejoong is not fit to go to work.

"Please Yunho oppa… please let him rest for the rest of the day." Seohyun pleads. Without Jaejoong knowing, she purposely let him take the cold medicine that makes people drowsy although he insisted to take the no drowse one. And so Jaejoong is now fast asleep when it’s almost time for their radio program recording. Yunho wants to wake him up but Seohyun is against it.

"Please let Jaejoong oppa sleep for the rest of the day..." Seohyun asked Yunho again.

Yunho sighed. Their manager will be furious if one of them wasn’t able to come. However he also wants Jaejoong to rest as much as she does. "Alright", he finally agreed after a long while. "I’ll leave everything to you."

Seohyun said her thanks and once they left, she started working. Jaejoong already taught her the basics of cooking so she was confident she can make porridge edible enough for a sick person to eat. She's sure Jaejoong will be starving once he wakes up.

She was busy cooking when Jaejoong appeared in the kitchen. "Where’s everybody?" he asked.

"Oh, you’re awake. You should stay in bed oppa. Are you feeling better?"

"You didn’t answer me Seohyun. Where’s everybody?" he sounds irritated again and Seohyun seems to understand why.

“They left for the radio program recording. You were sleeping so they didn’t bother to wake you up. Besides you’re sick so you should stay in bed.” She explained.

Jaejoong knew they wouldn’t leave without him no matter what so he realized this pretty sly girl with him has probably something to do with it. "I have a feeling you have something to do with it.. Am I right, Seohyun?"

"I’ll finish this in a while. Please wait a little bit, oppa." she purposely avoided his question.

Jaejoong sighed. He can’t do anything about it now. He has a lot of explaining to do to their manager. But that can wait. He has to deal with Seohyun first. Apparently she has no idea how dangerous it is to be alone with a man in the same house.

Jaejoong is not used to having the whole day for himself. It has been a long time since he last had a day off. He was thinking of the best way to spend the day but he couldn’t get a single decent thing on his mind. All he thinks about is having Seohyun on his bed and kissing her. Oh, heck, he couldn’t believe himself.

It has been slipping his mind for weeks now since she started living with them but this is the first time they were alone and the feeling is stronger now.

Jaejoong left Seohyun in the kitchen. He couldn’t trust himself by staying anywhere near her. He stayed in bed just like she ordered him to do. Seohyun came a few moments later bringing with her a bowl of porridge.

"Just leave it at the table. I’ll eat it later."

"Alright. Do you need anything else?"

"No, Seohyun. You may leave. I’ll just need to take a rest and I’ll be fine. Don’t mind me. Just do whatever you want"

Seohyun can feel Jaejoong’s coldness and she couldn’t understand the reason behind it. Jaejoong was never cold to her. Maybe he’s still mad because she dint let Yunho wake him up. Yes, that could be it.

She sat down on the chair beside his bed, determined to stay.

“What are you doing?” Jaejoong asked.

“Keeping an eye on you,” she replied.


“Coz you're sick. If I stayed outside I might not hear you call so I’m staying in case you’ll need me." Seohyun wanted to do the exact same things he had done for her when she got hospitalized. It was the least she could do. Besides she really wanted to stay with him.

“Seohyun, get lost...,” Jaejoong ordered. She was really making it hard for him.

“Don’t want to,” she said stubbornly. "Just go to sleep oppa. You need it. I’ll just keep quiet. Don’t mind me here."

“As if I can do that," he said frustrated. Seohyun was just about to ask what he meant with that remark when Jaejoong suddenly pulled her close towards the side of his bed.

"If you're staying at least make yourself comfortable." he said. He settled her right next to him then wrapped his arms around her.

"Comfortable?" he asked. Seohyun noticed the change in him. He's quite accommodating now. Just a moment ago he was cold towards her. Jaejoong, she realized, is quite a confusing man.

"Yes. I am but.." she know she shouldn’t be lying in bed with him but it feels good being next to Jaejoong with his arms wrapped around her. She has to admit it feels so wonderful that she doesn’t want to go anywhere else.

"If you stay with me you might also catch a cold. You should be leaving, you know..." he's contradicting his own words because he was holding Seohyun so tight that it is impossible for her to leave.

"Yes, I-I should be going." Seohyun said feeling uneasy because of Jaejoong’s nearness.

"Do you want to leave?" Jaejoong asked. He's giving her the chance to get away from him while she still can.

No, Seohyun doesn’t want to leave. She wants to stay that way forever. "No, I don’t," she said, couldn’t believe her own honesty.

"Me too… I don’t want you to leave." Jaejoong said giving her the same honesty she has given him. "Aren’t you afraid? I could do something." she could at least have an idea of what was going on his mind at that moment.

"No, you wouldn't." Seohyun was so sure Jaejoong wouldn’t do anything bad to her. But she started doubting it when his grip on her got tighter and he forced her to look at him. "Would you?" she asked so innocently. Jaejoong was so messed up he couldn’t think properly. He was caught between giving in to his urges and following his rational mind. His mind is telling him that Seohyun is innocent and that he needed to hold back. But he’s a man too and he just couldn’t resist her. Not to mention he’s a bit dizzy due to the fever and he’s probably not thinking straight. But he also knew that whatever he decides to do he can’t possibly blame it to his damn flu.

One look from those beautiful eyes of hers made Jaejoong go mad. He groaned in frustration "Oh yes, I definitely would," he said answering her previous question.

He swiftly touched her lips with his own and felt Seohyun respond with the same intensity and eagerness. She tastes like honey, so soft and sweet… It took him a lot of effort before he was able to pull back. They were both gasping for air when the kiss ended.

"I think you should leave." he said when he finally found his voice.

"Yes, I think I should," Seohyun agreed. "Please get some rest. I’ll be outside if you’ll need me." with that said, she stood up then left.

Her heart was beating so hard it took a while before she was able to breathe properly again. Jaejoong drives her crazy. But honestly she likes it so much it scares her.

When Seohyun left, Jaejoong finally got a piece of his mind. It is obvious that there’s an attraction between the two of them and he doesn’t want to deny it any longer. He has to do something about it. For weeks he had been trying to protect Seohyun from himself. After the accident, Jaejoong thought Seohyun was already having a hard time so he doesn’t want to add to her worries. But after today, it will be impossible to deny the attraction between them, especially not now when he knows she feels something for him too. If not she wouldn’t have responded to his kiss the way she did just a few moments ago. Jaejoong liked the idea of Seohyun feeling the same way as he does. He will confess to her in the right time and he would make her admit it too.

The fever is making him dizzy he knew he needs to rest so he finally decided to close his eyes but before he let sleep take over, his last thought was Seohyun and how she felt underneath him and how sweet she taste and how soft she felt in his hands. Jaejoong was happy with the decision he came up with and he slept peacefully afterwards.

Seohyun on the other hand is going crazy. She likes him alright. And she damn well doesn’t like the feeling. For one thing, she's already feeling guilty for tricking Jaejoong. Another thing, she's Lee Seohyun, daughter of the man Jaejoong hates the most. Lastly, she’s not planning to stay long. She doesn’t have the right to like Jaejoong. But apparently Jaejoong is making it hard for her. Why does he have to be so damn hot?, she thought.

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