Chapter 8: Kiss

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Jaejoong tried to drag Seohyun into another ride but she made it clear to him she’s not riding again.

“Coward.” Jaejoong teased.

“I am not!”

“Seohyun-ah, are you having fun?” Jaejoong asked in a more serious voice.

“I had more fright than fun. Please oppa… no more rides. The only ride I enjoyed is the Ferris Wheel and you ruined it.”

“Didn’t you know? You weren’t supposed to ride a ferris wheel alone.”

Seohyun was thinking, whoever made a rule like that must be crazy. However she changed her mind when Jaejoong decided they ride the Ferris Wheel together. When they were about to board the operator said, “I won’t stop it this time so better be sure you can handle the ride” Jaejoong smiled and said, “wakatta” Seohyun had no idea what they talked about but based on the expression on their faces there must be some hostility between them that Seohyun couldn’t understand.

Seohyun looked so happy and for Jaejoong, nothing else matters anymore. Making her happy has been his top priority ever since he met her.

“Seohyun-ah… Are you really going back to Seoul today?” Jaejoong asked. She suddenly looked so down and Jaejoong hates himself for ruining her mood. One minute she was smiling and the next she’s about to cry.

She answered him with a nod. She was planning on calling his father asking him to send someone to pick her up. She would tell him she spent all her money and she can’t afford a ticket back home and therefore her father will be forced to send someone to pick her up. That’s the only option she has right now.

“Why do you have to leave so soon? I wish you could stay a little bit longer.” Jaejoong said with all honesty.

Seohyun didn’t answer his question. She wanted to stay so bad. She wants this freedom. And then the truth struck her. No matter how far she stays away, she will never be free from his father’s grasp.

She was so lost in thought until she realized Jaejoong was now close to her, too close that their lips are about to touch. She panicked. “Oppa…” she said in an almost inaudible voice. That single word made Jaejoong snap out of his reverie. When he finally gained his wits back he cursed himself for acting that way.

“Mianhae…” He apologized. Seohyun felt disappointed. She actually wanted that kiss to happen and she hates herself for thinking that way. She knew it isn’t right but still she couldn’t help herself from being disappointed.

They didn’t say a word to each other for a long time. They got off the ferris wheel, walked for a while, both oblivious to the crowd surrounding them. Jaejoong was the first one to break the silence.

“I have to leave now.” He didn’t want to leave and Seohyun didn’t want him to leave either. However both of them knew it’s inevitable. Seohyun gave him a curt nod. Jaejoong said his goodbye then walked towards the other side of the street and back to where his members are probably waiting and cursing him for making them wait.

Seohyun stared at Jaejoong’s retreating back. She thought about the kiss they almost shared moments ago. She can’t just let Jaejoong leave like that. If only she didn’t say anything, Jaejoong wouldn’t have stopped. All she wanted now is a kiss. Before she goes back to her miserable life she wanted to have something she could hold on to. If she wants that kiss she has to hurry before she loses sight of him for good. So she ran after Jaejoong however to her haste, she didn’t notice a speeding car and before she knew it the world went spinning in front of her eyes and the last thing she heard before everything went dark was Jaejoong’s voice calling her name.

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