Chapter 26: Back Home

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Maybe it was a bad idea going to Japan after all. Now that she had a little taste of freedom, she was craving for it even more. Here she is, all alone in her room, curled up in a ball, her arms wrapped around her knees. She was lonelier now than she was before. Because before she has no idea what exactly she was missing.

The moment they reached Seoul, she was taken to her father right away. From the airport they went straight to SME. The scary looking men didn’t leave her side the entire time.

Her father was expecting her. He was so mad his face turned red and she can almost see the veins in his neck. “Do you know how much trouble you caused Seohyun?”

She didn’t reply. Her father didn’t expect an apology. She didn’t expect the blow. Before she knew it her father’s palm landed right across her face and she fell on the floor due to the impact. It was the first time she really felt fear.

"Answer me Seohyun!" he grabbed her arm and pulled her back up. His grip was a little too tight for Seohyun.

"I-it hurts dad. Please…" she begged. She wished she was back in Tokyo together with Jaejoong and the others. She wished she was anywhere else but here.

Afterwards, her father ordered the men to take her home and lock her up. She didn’t protest knowing any sort of complaint will just make everything worse. So she held it in. All the pain, the longing and sadness, she held it inside of her and did as she was told.


Days went by so slowly for Seohyun. Hours seemed like days and days seemed like weeks. She was being held prisoner in her own home. For how long, she has no idea. She’s not even allowed to go to school. She’s in her 3rd year of college taking up business management. Of course it was also her father’s decision and she didn’t have any say in it. If it was her decision she would have taken something related to music. Her father considers making her study abroad probably so that she would no longer cause troubles for him. Since school year will start in 2 months, a bit longer than what she had hoped and she knew her father would probably make her stay home during those two months, it made her think her imprisonment will last longer.


Seohyun misses Jaejoong in every waking moment of her life. Even her nights were filled with dreams about him. She wonders if Jaejoong misses her too.

She spends most of her time reading and watching TV. News about TVXQ lessens the longing she feels for them but it’s not enough to make her feel better. She misses them so much. She misses Jaejoong so much. She lied about not having feelings for him because she wanted him to hate her. That way, he might get over her more easily. She can still remember the look on his face when she suggested they break up. It hurts more than she thought it would. How she wished she can take those words back.

Her father never came to visit and she was grateful for it. He scares her even now. Ever since he inflicted her physical pain, she realized her father is capable of anything.

She managed to convince her father not to do anything with TVXQ because they were also victims of her lie. They didn’t know who she was and so they shouldn’t be blamed with anything. Thankfully her father didn’t bother to do anything to them and Seohyun was grateful for it. Although she was hurting right now from all the longing she feels at least she didn't cause trouble to the people who were so nice to her.

She wonders about Mika too and whether or not she already knows the truth. She was supposed to explain to her everything but its impossible now. She probably hates her now assuming she already knows the truth. She was the only real friend she ever had and now she already lost her.


Jaejoong knew she remembered the moment she saw her father's secretary. He could tell she recognized her from the way her grip on his hand tightened as if her life depended on it, and how she looked at Park Min Young-shi with those scared eyes. It’s as if she was about to go back to a place she didn’t want to go to.

Jaejoong didn’t want to let go. Oh god, he so wanted to hold on to her hand as much as she does. He gripped her hand as tightly as she did. But it was inevitable. She had to go home because it was the right thing to do.

She let go of his hand eventually then with a look on her face that he didn’t quite recognize, she greeted the secretary as if they’ve known each other for a very long time. As if she never had amnesia all along.

I’ve never loved you, oppa, she said. Jaejoong didn’t believe a word of it. It was all just a game? Her feelings for him couldn’t be a lie. If there is something he trusts the most it was his ability to read her heart. But for some reason she chose to leave and end everything between them. He can understand the leaving part but not the breaking up part. Why does she have to end everything when it was not even a day since they started? And now he misses her so bad he's almost losing it.


Everyone noticed a big difference with Jaejoong. He had been working harder than usual and they wouldn’t be surprised if one day Jaejoong collapses from exhaustion. He never gets enough rest. When he’s at home he stays at the music room making songs, mostly sad ones. He never refuses any projects being offered to him. He comes home only to sleep then he would wake up early again the next day to work. It had been a routine for Jaejoong and everyone became worried about him.

Although he doesn’t say anything, he still couldn’t hide the fact that he’s hurting. It’s even apparent in the way he performs on stage. Whenever he sings he pours everything in it. It seems to them, to his friends and to the audience who listens to him, that Jaejoong really is in pain.

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