Chapter 13: Developing Feelings, Confessions and Denials

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The next day, Jaejoong recovered completely. He wanted to talk to Seohyun to settle the things between them however he couldn’t seem to get the chance because Seohyun did everything to avoid him.

When Jaejoong couldn’t take it anymore he finally asked. "Why do you always avoid me Seohyun?"

"No, I wasn’t." she denied.

"I’m not stupid darn it." she can tell she was making him mad and Jaejoong is quite scary when he’s angry, she realized now. "Everyone can tell that you avoid me like a plague. Care to tell me why?"

Seohyun doesn’t know what to say. She can’t think properly when he’s near her. "S-sorry…" she was trapped in a corner with Jaejoong in front of her and the wall behind her.

"So you admit you’re avoiding me then?"

"Please… Let go." Seohyun begged.

"Not until you tell me why you’re avoiding me," Jaejoong didn’t budge an inch.

"Coz you’re scary…" her answer surprised Jaejoong.

"You didn’t think I was when we first met," he said. He still remembers the day they met. It was on her birthday and yes, she was upset and crying but she was far from scared. Also at the hospital when she woke up she didn’t look like she was afraid. Confused, yes, but certainly not scared. "You weren’t scared of me then." Jaejoong said not believing her a bit.

"That was before you kissed me."

Jaejoong was no longer confused, he was amused. "You're scared because I kissed you?" he looked like he was trying not to laugh and Seohyun suddenly had the urge to punch him to take away that look on his face.

"For you it might have been nothing. I know you’ve kissed hundreds of girls before and..." Seohyun couldn’t seem to concentrate with what she was saying because Jaejoong intentionally distracts her by touching her face with the back of his hand. "Will you stop that..," she said trying to pry his hand away. "As I was saying… that kiss might have meant nothing to you but for me it was..."

"Special?" Jaejoong finished for her since she couldn’t seem to continue. Being trapped and forced to admit something embarrassing is hard enough.

"No, I meant to say it was my first and you ruined it." Jaejoong suspected that much. Knowing he was the first one to kiss her and that she is his alone, gives him pride. But he certainly didn’t buy it when she tried to make him believe the kiss was awful.

"I didn’t meet your expectations then?" he asked.

"No, you certainly didn't." She’s certainly not willing to boost his self-confidence by admitting she thought the kiss was wonderful.

"How do you want it done then? Care to teach me?" Seohyun knew he was teasing her and to heck with him. "Maybe if you let me kiss you again, I could make it better." Seohyun was thinking she will never let herself fall for that trick but before she could brace herself Jaejoong slowly shortened the distance between their faces, his lips is only a few inches from hers.

All she managed to say was, "Don’t you dare kiss me again, Kim Jaejoong!" Either the warning came too late or Jaejoong just chose to ignore it. He kissed her again and Seohyun lost her sanity. He noticed she didn’t call him oppa which is good because he doesn’t want her to treat him like a big brother anymore. It was the second time they kissed and it was much sweeter this time around. Her knees are getting weaker and she was thankful Jaejoong’s arms were wrapped around her for support.

When the kiss was over she suddenly found herself craving for more. "I hate you" she managed to say.

"I like you" he said. Seohyun tried to see if he was still teasing her but he looked dead serious.

"No, no you don’t." she denied.

Other times he might have been amused. Here she is acting like she knows more about his feelings than he does himself. But right now, he can see she’s really troubled and his priority is to make her believe he was telling the truth.

"Yes, Seohyun. I do…"

"How can you possibly like me when you don’t know anything about me?"

"That doesn’t matter."

"Oh it does… a lot."

"We can work on knowing each other later."

"You can’t possibly like each and every girl that you shared a kiss with."

"I don’t like each and every girl I kiss. I only happen to like you. Why is it so hard for you to believe it?"

"Coz it’s impossible. Either you’re just confused or there must be something wrong with you. Yes, that must be it. You’re just confused. Let’s just forget everything and later when you get a better hold of yourself you will realize everything was just a mistake so there… Let’s just forget this happened. I promise I won’t take it against you."

Jaejoong could no longer keep himself from laughing. Seohyun is so much fun to be with. "There’s nothing wrong with me Seohyun-ah. I like you and that’s it."

"Urgh! I don’t want to talk to you anymore. Now please let me go…" He’s really making her mad and she had enough.

"Good. Let’s quit talking and start kissing again" he was back to his teasing again and Seohyun really wants to punch his face to make him stop and let go.

"Please oppa..." she begged. If she stayed any longer she might actually cry and she was determined not to let him see that embarrassing side of her again.

Jaejoong was suddenly worried when he noticed she was about to cry. He sighed in frustration. He didn’t think Seohyun will be this hard. He let go of her and Seohyun left without a word. She went straight to her room and cried. Jaejoong likes her too but once he found out the truth he will probably change his mind. He will surely hate her and the thought itself scares her so much. It’s getting harder and harder to leave. If she’s going to leave she has to do it soon before her feelings get any deeper.

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