Chapter 23: Official

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A/N    ~     Warning: a bit of smut at the last part  (They were just kissing but still.. haha ^_^)


Seohyun woke up with a start. The events from last night were still fresh from her mind. Did she just admit to Jaejoong that she loves him?? She was alone in the room and she realized Jaejoong kept his promise of locking the door when he left. She took a quick shower before going out of the room to meet everyone. When she went outside, she found everyone experiencing the effect of last night’s party. They were all complaining about headaches and hangovers. Seohyun feels just as worse. Her head hurts but more than that she felt a deep sense of embarrassment.

Jaejoong greeted her good morning and told her to have some breakfast like it’s the most normal thing in the world. She couldn’t meet him in the eye and although she didn’t want to face him she doesn’t have any choice. It will be more awkward if she suddenly avoids him now.

Jaejoong, on the other hand, finds Seohyun’s behavior adorable. The way she tried to avoid his eyes, and how she blushes and everything about her just makes Jaejoong want to kiss her.

“Listen, I have an announcement to make.” Jaejoong said taking everyone’s attention.

“Seohyun and I are officially dating.”

Everyone cheered except for Seohyun who was gaping at him tongue-tied. She was so surprised she didn’t know what to do or to say. Jaejoong saw how her face turned from surprise to denial and now to fury. it made him smile knowing he could unnerve her in that way.

"W-wait a second. What are you saying, oppa? When did-?"

"It’s alright. You can trust us. We won’t tell anybody." Junsu said cutting her in mid-sentence.

"No, I mean-"

"Congratulations to both of you." Changmin said with all his heart.

Jaejoong didn’t want to give Seohyun a chance to deny his statement so before she could explain he grabbed her arm and started walking outside and Seohyun had no choice but to follow.

"Seohyun and I are going somewhere so I won’t be home tonight." Jaejoong said before they left

"Ok, hyung! Be gentle with Seohyun. You wouldn’t want her changing her mind, do you?" Yoochun called out before they were gone.


“Oppa, where are we going?" Seohyun asked when they were in the car.

"I’m not sure, where do you want our fist date to be?"

"Oppa, I don’t understand. Why did you tell them were in a relationship?”

“Because we are.”

She was a little drunk last night but that doesn’t mean she had a memory lapse. She can remember everything that happened. Even the fact that she admitted to him she loves him. Other than that nothing else happened.

“I can’t remember you asking me out and me actually agreeing.”

“We became official the moment you said you love me and I said I love you too.” He grinned as if what he's saying makes perfect sense when she couldn’t find any logic in that.

"There is no rule like that!" Seohyun argued.

I love you Seohyun. I really do. So stop acting like it's such a bad thing falling in love with me. Now, tell me honestly. What do you feel about me?

“I-I love you too." she admitted a little embarrassed.

“See? It wasn't so hard.”

"But that doesn't mean we are officially dating."

Jaejoong parked the car on the side of the road before facing Seohyun.

"Alright. Let's make it official. Go out with me, Seohyun. Be my girl."

Seohyun considered the consequences. What would her father think? What would Jaejoong do if he finds out who her father is? But she wanted to be happy even if it’s just for a short moment of time. She wanted to forget who she is, for real, and then without a care in the world, be happy with Jaejoong.

"I love you so much, Lee Seohyun. Please say yes."

Jaejoong waited for her response. It was nerve-wracking because he didn’t want to hear rejection coming from her.

"Ok, oppa." she said after giving it a lot of thought. She knew it wouldn’t last long. But until the moment Jaejoong decides to breakup with her she would be his girl. She decided to create happy memories with him while it lasts. Even if he changes his mind once he finds out everything and even if she gets hurt eventually because of it, she can just deal with it later. She decided to be happy for the time being. She will love him back until the moment he changes his mind and decided he doesn't want to have anything to do with her. Until that moment when he finally gets tired of her, even if it’s just for a short amount of time she will continue to love her as long as he wants it and needs it.

Jaejoong gave out a sigh of relief when Seohyun finally agreed. She was smiling at him and he realized how that one single smile could drive him crazy.

He smiled back at her then he slowly crossed the distance between them to give her a kiss, a proper kiss this time.


She could feel her sanity slipping away. All she could think about is Jaejoong and the way he wrapped his arms around her and his tongue making its way inside of her mouth.

He tilted her head so she was looking up at him. his one hand was resting behind her back making gentle caresses while his other hand was resting on the back of her neck forcing her to lift her head.

His kisses became more persistent. His tongue was pushing her lips to open so he could explore her mouth in a way that drives her crazy.

Seohyun wanted to forget everything that worries her and decided to grab the opportunity that she is with Jaejoong. Who knows how long this might last.

Jaejoong lifted his head so he could look at her. Her eyes mirror desire. She wanted him as much as he wanted her. Jaejoong could tell from the look on her face that she wanted more. But any more than this and Jaejoong will definitely lose control. He groaned. All reasons tell him to stop but he's no longer capable of reason right now. He claimed her lips for another kiss and this time there is no turning back.

Seohyun wished Jaejoong will never find out the truth so this happiness will last forever.


A/N: I'm considering the idea of jaejoong finding out the truth on the next chapter but i still have to think about it :)

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