Chapter 14: Fight

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"No, you can’t leave…" Jaejoong said when Seohyun opened up her plans about leaving. It was a hard decision for Seohyun but she has to leave. She can’t go on lying to everyone and pretending everything is ok.

"Jaejoong, you know she can’t stay with us forever," Yoochun said and Seohyun was thankful that there is someone sensible enough to agree with her.

"I know that but it doesn’t have to be so soon…" he argued. "You're not leaving Seohyun," he said it with such conviction that no one dared to argue. Seohyun was almost got swayed… well almost because she was still determined to leave.

"I’m not asking permission.” Seohyun was getting angry. Jaejoong is being unreasonable. “I just wanted to let you know about my decision." she was looking at Jaejoong when she said those words. She wanted him to know he can’t just order her around. She’s definitely not going to stay just because he told her to. "I'm really thankful for all the things you’ve done for me 'til now and..."

"Save it,” Jaejoong interrupted. “You’re not leaving yet so save your words for some other time." He was such a hard man to deal with Seohyun realized.

"Fine. I’ll keep it to myself then. But I’m leaving today." Seohyun held her ground and Jaejoong admires her for that. But he’s determined to change her mind about leaving no matter what.

"Tell me, Seohyun. Where will you stay if you leave?" Jaejoong was challenging her, trying to make his point.

"Well I… I don’t know yet." She hadn’t thought about it yet. "But I’m sure I can manage on my own thank you,” she finished with a confidence she doesn’t feel.

"Will you go back to Seoul?" Junsu asked. Seohyun knew if she says she wanted to go back to Seoul they would lend her money for plane ticket. However she just couldn’t go back to Korea now. She wants to get as far away from her father as much as possible. If she needs to live in the streets of Japan then so be it. Living a life as a pauper is way better than living with her father.

"No. I’m planning to stay in Japan," she decided.

"This is ridiculous!" Jaejoong was really mad, Seohyun can tell. "You can’t even speak Japanese."

"I can speak a little Japanese now. Junsu oppa taught me."

"You have no memories of your past."

"I can live just fine even without them."

"How will you provide for yourself?"

"I’ll get a job of course."

"And do you think there are Japanese people who are stupid enough to hire a Korean who doesn’t speak Japanese?" Jaejoong had been there and he knows. It has been hard for them to start their career in Japan. They had to learn the language until they are fluent enough and he doesn’t want Seohyun to experience the same kind of hardship.

She had enough. "Yes. I do. No one can resist pretty girls. All I have to do is to look pretty and they might take pity on me and hire me."

"You'll do no such thing!"

"Jaejoong, enough." Yunho decided to intervene at the right moment. The two looked like they were about to kill each other and he couldn’t just stand by and watch. Yoochun and Changmin seemed to be enjoying their bickering though. Jusnsu doesn’t seem to care much. "Seohyun, do you really want to leave?" Yunho asked.

"Yes." She can’t continue to live with them with the guilt of knowing she was deceiving them all.

"Alright." Yunho finally agreed.

"yunho!" Yunho ignored Jaejoong’s protest.

"Jae, you know she has to leave sooner or later. We can’t do anything about it. Besides we will be overseas for the Asia concert tour. And we can’t take Seohyun with us so she will be living here alone which doesn’t make any difference in my opinion."

"The tour will be in a month’s time. She can leave by then. Not sooner."

Another month with Jaejoong will make her go mad. She was already falling for him and they have just met not too long ago. What more if she stayed with him for another whole month?

"You can’t force her to stay if she doesn’t want to Jae. You have no right to decide for her."

"Fine. I had enough of this talk. Do whatever you want." then he left. Seohyun decided to leave with or without Jaejoong’s permission. He doesn’t mean that much to her anyway… or so she thought.

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