Chapter 22: The Concert and the After Party

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When they arrived, everyone was surprised to see Seohyun. Each one started asking her questions like how had she been and Seohyun didn’t know how to respond to each of them. It’s obvious they’re happy to see her again and she was touched.

“Jae! What did the doctor say?” Yunho asked.

Jaejoong decided to keep his promise to Seohyun so he told the truth. “The doctor said I shouldn’t dance.” Seohyun could tell he’s really unhappy with the set up and she was thankful Jaejoong agreed to it regardless.

“I expected that much.” Yunho said with such confidence that made Seohyun think they call pull it off no matter what. Yunho is really a one heck of a leader. He has the ability to assure everyone that everything’s gonna be alright. “Jae, listen. Since you can’t go out there and dance with us we asked one of the dancers to take your place. Just so we won’t ruin the choreography. I asked the staff to make a few changes on the stage and I told them that since you probably won’t be able to dance they gonna have to make you fly.”


“You’re going to fly Jae.”

In the middle of the concert, Jaejoong appeared from the back with a harness strapped around his waist and back so he looked like he was flying. The effect was way better than what was originally planned.

It had been a successful concert for TVXQ despite Jaejoong’s injury. Before the end of the show, Jaejoong apologized to the fans for not being able to give his best performance and explained to them that he had been in a small accident and had a bit of an injury. He also assured them that he was fine and there’s nothing to worry about. After the concert, messages came in telling him that it’s fine and that he should get well soon.

Thinking that she was no longer needed, with Jaejoong safe and the concert being successful, Seohyun decided to disappear again without telling anybody. Everyone was still so busy after the concert that they didn’t notice Seohyun leave except Jaejoong of course. The first thing he thought of the moment he entered the back stage was, where’s Seohyun? When he didn’t find her anywhere, Jaejoong started to panic. Not again, he thought.

“Where do you think you're going?” he asked when he found her waiting at the nearest bus stop. Thankfully she didn’t get too far yet. He was catching his breath after running so fast trying to catch up with her.

“Home” she replied.

 “God, Seohyun… when are you gonna stop making me chase you?”

When she realized he had been running, she was suddenly filled with worry. “Did you just run all the way here?” She tried not to sound angry but she couldn’t help herself. “Did you forget you’re injured?”

“I wouldn’t have reasons to chase you if you don’t keep running away from me in the first place.”

“Stop making me worry, babo.”

Jaejoong smiled. “At least stay for the night. We’re having a party.” He decided he wouldn’t force her to do something she doesn’t want to do. If she wanted to leave he decided to let her go. Besides, she looked happy with where she’s living and he realized he has no right to ruin the things she worked hard for. A part of him feels disappointed knowing she doesn’t need him anymore. And thus he was trying to take her back hoping she will depend on him again just like how she did before. However a part of him feels proud that the girl he likes can actually live on her own without having to depend on anybody.

He didn’t wait for Seohyun’s response because he was quite sure she would say no and he didn’t want to take no for an answer. "Common. The party's gonna start."

Seohyun decided one night wouldn’t hurt. She called Mika to tell her she won’t be able to come home and to apologize for ditching work. She promised to explain everything to Mika once she gets back the next day.


For the month that she was gone Seohyun missed everything about TVXQ. From Junsu’s failed attempt of oyaji gags, to Changmin’s eating habit, Yunho’s childish antics (yes, he looks manly but he’s really childish), Yoochun’s pranks on Junsu, and of course Jaejoong’s thoughtfulness. She missed being with them and she would trade anything just to have that kind of life back.

“Are you ok?” Jaejoong asked with concern when he noticed her lost in thought.

“Yeah.” After the party with the whole staff everyone went home but instead of retiring for the night, they continued the party but this time it were just the 6 of them including Seohyun. They had quite a lot to drink and everyone looked like they were about to pass out from drunkenness except Jaejoong who apparently have a high tolerance for alcohol.

"Are you tired? Do you want to sleep?” Jaejoong didn’t wait for her response and instead he carried her to the bedroom so she could rest. She didn’t protest because for one, she’s getting a little dizzy from all the drinks she had (it’s the first time she drunk that much) and another thing she doesn’t have the strength to give a fight.

He laid her down carefully on his own bed. “You can have this room all for yourself tonight. I don’t think those guys will be sober enough to find their own rooms. But just to make sure I’ll lock the door when I leave. Have a good night sleep, Seohyun.”



“I love you.” It could be the alcohol, or it could have been her own courage, but no matter what it was, it certainly gave her the guts to say the words she’d been dying to tell him.

“I know. I love you too.” He wanted to kiss her on the lips but he settled on her forehead instead. With her looking so pretty and vulnerable, it took all his willpower to keep himself from ravishing her.

She wanted to ask him how he knew when she never told him she loves him until now but before she could utter a word she was already overwhelmed with exhaustion and before she knew it her eyes felt heavy and then she fell asleep.

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