Chapter 19: Fate

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After his mishap, Jaejoong had to take a break from all their activities. He attends the practice sessions but since he’s not allowed to dance, he makes use of his time by studying every dance step and routine hoping he could execute it at the moment when he needed to. Most of the time, he just sits on the side doing technically nothing while other times he allows himself to think about Seohyun which is something that his mind never fails to do every single day of his damn life.

A month later, on the morning before their concert, Jaejoong was scheduled to meet his doctor. Yoochun volunteered to go with him but he declined. Jaejoong decided he will perform his best tonight and nothing will stop him, not his leg or even his doctor. He decided to ignore whatever the doctor will tell him. If he let Yoochun go with him this time he will surely force him to follow whatever the doctor will say but if he goes alone, he can just lie afterwards and make them believe that the doctor permitted him to dance to his heart's content even if it’s actually otherwise.

No, Jaejoong won't do it because the president ordered him to do it. (Yes, despite his injury he was ordered to perform tonight.) He wanted to do it because he doesn’t want to disappoint his fans who were expecting a lot from him.

As expected the doctor is against his plans for tonight's concert. "What do you mean I can't dance? Sensei, we have a concert tonight. I need to dance." Jaejoong complained.

"No you don't. Find someone else to take your place. Be kind to your leg and do it a favor. Let it rest." To Jaejoong's annoyance, the doctor is as hard headed as he is. "I'm not saying you're no allowed to dance forever. I'm just saying you can't do it tonight. Not yet. It's too early. You're leg is improving but it's not completely healed. If you don’t want tonight to be your last performance, take my advice." The doctor insisted.

Jaejoong already made up his mind. He’s willing to take the risk. If it means he could be performing for the last time, he then has to give his best.

Moments after Jaejoong walked out of the doctor’s office, he received a call from Yoochun. “Hyung, how was your checkup?”

“Great. The doctor said I’m ok now.”

“Really? Is it really alright for you to perform tonight?”

“Yeah.” Jaejoong tried to sound enthusiastic but it’s kinda hard when he knows it could be his last performance. If his doctor was right then he’s must prepare himself for the worst and it’s best not to tell anyone else about it.

“Ok then. We’re on our way to Tokyo Dome for the final rehearsals.”

“Alright. I’ll join you there.” Jaejoong said before he hung up. He decided he could use a little practice if he’s going to give his best.

Luckily a cab was waiting at the entrance. He was about to call the driver's attention when he suddenly changed his mind. He decided a bit of a walk might cool his nerves. He hadn't gone far when the unexpected happened.

There in front of him stood Seohyun who seemed to be as surprised as he is. For the first time in his damn life Jaejoong believed in fate.

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