I'd like that

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You know the saying, 'this is the silence before the'? It's not false. Seth had Elias ripped out of the bed and pinned onto the floor within seconds, yelling something I couldn't quite understand while Elias was trying to break free of his hold.

I blinked before jumping out of bed and pushing Seth off of Elias. "Calm down Seth! Nothing happened, fucks sake man. I got utterly smashed last night and he stayed here trying to make sure I was okay and asleep. He passed out. Look at us both man. We're fully fucking clothed in our outfits from last night."

Seth looks up at me briefly before his gaze wonder over to as Elias stands up. "I'm not that type of man Rollins. I wouldn't take advantage of a intoxicated woman that I barely even know." Elias offers Seth a hand up. As he pulls Seth up he goes on to say, "I just wanted to make sure she was safe."

Seth slowly nodded. "I'm sorry. Jas is my best friend and I have to look out for her."

He wonders out the room as I sigh and sit back on the edge of the bed, looking up at Elias is staring right back at me. He nods before leaving as well. I sigh again before standing and walking to my suitcase to pick and outfit the day. Once I have the outfit in hand, I make my way to the bathroom to take a shower.


Fresh out of the shower, I dress in undergarments before I blow dry my hair. After it's dry, I slip on my favorite pair of dark blue skinny jeans, a deep red top that has plaid sleeves with a plaid pocket on the chest on left side, and my favorite black converse high tops. I slip on black slouch cable knit beanie, I'm pretty sure I stole it from Seth way back when we first met, over my naturally wavy hair. Before walking out I add a small bit of black eyeliner, putting it into a low wing.

My feet seem to stop before I know what's going on as I hear voices in the main area of the suite Seth and I were sharing

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My feet seem to stop before I know what's going on as I hear voices in the main area of the suite Seth and I were sharing. We've been in Raleigh since late Wednesday night and I was honestly preferring the hotel over my house back in Charlotte.

"Well how am I supposed to react? You said it yourself- you two don't know each other," Seth laughs.

"We don't, but I'd like to." Is that Elias still? Holy hell.

"Hate to break it to you man, I think she has a thing for Sheamus. Why him? I'll never understand. She could do so much better. If I weren't happily taken, I'd honestly probably go for her myself." I chuckle to myself as I shift in the hallway, now able to barely see them. "But that's why I have Sarah. Roman has his wife and kid, I have my girlfriend Sarah, Dean has his wife Renee, now the only one who needs someone in that sense is Jas. "

It's gone silent so I finish walking into the room. "Hey guys," I say as plop down on a chair and turn the TV on. "How's it hanging?"

"Sheamus is an asshole," Seth states plainly causing both Elias and I to chuckle. Maybe Seth finding Eli and I wasn't so bad.


Friday 7:00pm

SmackDown is doing a filming tonight and I have no plans to go out with any of the others. I haven't barely moved since Elias left after lunch. Then, Seth took off not too much longer after, claiming he had a date. That left me all alone in a huge suite, channel surfing with hopes of finding something remotely interesting. Seeing as that wasn't happening, I turned off the TV and went to change for the gym.

After throwing on a pair of yoga pants that start dark grey at the waist and ombre down to black, a black cross-back compression tank top, and a pair of dark grey converse, I take off the only tiny bit of make-up I was wearing

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After throwing on a pair of yoga pants that start dark grey at the waist and ombre down to black, a black cross-back compression tank top, and a pair of dark grey converse, I take off the only tiny bit of make-up I was wearing. I grab my gym bag and quickly pack my previous worn outfit in it and begin making my way to leave. I drop my bag down to pull my hair up in a ponytail and a sudden knock on the door makes me pause.

"Just a second," I call through the door, wondering if Seth forgot his key. I swing the door open and am face to face with my favorite Irish man. "Sheamus, how can I help you?" I wave him in and gently shut the door back before turning to face him.

"You were about to go to the gym?" I nod at his question before tilting my head to the side. "I could- this can- We don't-"

I smile before asking, "you were going to ask me out?" He shifts before nodding causing my smile to widen. "The age difference doesn't bother you? I mean, I'm barely 30 and you're almost 40 if I remember correctly."

" It should bother me, but it doesn't. You're mature for your age, even if you hang around Rollins." I laugh at that causing him to smile. "I'll let you get to the gym though, no problem."

He comes around me, and opens the door. "Hey Shea? Maybe in the next town we can work something out? I'd like that."

He turns around with a big smile on his face. "I'd like that too lass." He walks out and shuts the door.


Friday 8:00pm

I've been at the gym for roughly an hour now, a bit bummed out that I forgot my phone at the suite. I step out of the locker room, freshly showered and back into my outfit from the start of my day, and am met with a nearly empty gym now. I chuckle as I re-adjust my gym bag before walking out to my rental car.

I get in and zoom my way back to the hotel, taking note of how busy it seems. I begin my trip up the stairs since the elevator is out of order. I run into several people as I climb them, having to briefly apologize. By the time I get to my floor, I'm a little out of breath. How can I be so out breath when I'm in the best shape of my life? I shake my head as I walk to the room.

The scene put out before me stunned me. The room was a mess, a disaster area really. I heard three or four voices carry from my room, scaring me just a bit.

"Seth?" I inch my way to my room. "Seth is that you?" As I get to my door, it swings open causing me to shriek and step back.

"Holy shit where have you been? I have been calling like crazy! No note or text or anything! What the hell?" He brings me into a bear hug and I look over his shoulder to see Ro and Dean.

He finally releases me. "I was at the gym sweetheart. I forgot my phone, I'm so sorry. I would never purposely worry any of you like this."

They all nod and we come into the main room, turning on the TV yet again as we squeeze onto the couch. It's Dean, Roman, Seth, and then me. I cozy up to Seth like we normally do and slowly drift to sleep as they argue about the channel.


A/N: Guys I am so sorry about taking so long to update. I've been going through some really personal and rough shit lately. Everything that I'm facing is really taking a true toll on me and I'm not really sure when I'll be okay, but I know I will be. I promise I will try to get an update out quicker this time.

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