Just The Thought Of It Is Powerful

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Turns out, everyone else was getting hungry and that's why they came found us. Roman has barely took his eyes off me since finding Elias and I earlier. On occasion, he'd lean over and whisper to his wife Galina. Elias on the other hand, hasn't looked at me since.

I knew Seth was wrong.

I sigh before leaning my head on the window. At least it's a bigger car than normal. Seth and Sarah are up front, Roman and Galina in the middle section, leaving Elias and I in the back. Dean and Renee were in Dean's car. I lift my head off the window, looking into the rearview mirror. My eyes meet Ro's in the mirror and he raises an eyebrow to which I quickly look away from.

Ro and Seth will give me such hell. Don't get me wrong, Dean and I are close but in a different sense of the word. He gives me my space to make my choices but will punch someone out if they hurt me.

What's shocking to me, has to be that this vehicle has been filled with utter silence since we got in. Normally you couldn't even hear yourself think with us all in the same place. I do some neck rolls, hoping to relieve some of the tension that's built up just from today.

"You alright?" I stop mid roll to let my eyes go back to the rearview mirror to see Ro still looking at me. I nod and he nods. "Just checking. You do seem a little stiff on your roll though."

I raise an eyebrow now. "Do I? My neck actually does feel a little stiff."

"You know what would be great for that?" It was Sarah's voice carrying from the front of the vehicle. "A neck massage."

I lay my head back on the window, actually considering her words.

"Are you seriously considering that? Such a rip off on money." I look at the man who still hasn't looked at me as he voices his opinion.

I smirk before nudging him with my foot. "Then you do it for me." I see out of the corner of my eye Galina shaking with silent laughter and I have to bite my lip before any laughter of my own comes out.

"How about when we get back to the hotel then?" I blink rapidly as he looks at me for the first time since I said I like him. Galina is barely hanging on to not laughing, and by this point Sarah is right with her.

"Oh, so you want your hands on my body?" That does everyone in, except for Seth and Elias. Seth is just shaking his head but I can tell he's smiling. Elias is just staring at me and I smirk back before grabbing my phone off the middle seat.

I pull up his messages and debate about typing something, when a message comes through from him.

Maybe I wouldn't mind my hands roaming your body.

I start coughing, at a true lost for reaction. I lock my phone screen before putting my phone back in the middle seat.

Buzz buzz

I look at the phone, slightly curious.

Buzz buzz

I squint my eyes at it before letting my gaze drift up to Elias, who was still tapping away on his screen.

Buzz buzz.

He taps just a little more before he puts his phone in his back pocket, looking down at me with a small smirk of his own.

Buzz buzz.

I look back at my phone before ever so hesitantly grabbing it.

"Hey Seeeeeth, how much longer brother dearest?" I look up to his driver seat as I grab my phone.

"Traffic is a bit... bitchy today."

I groaned before unlocking my phone. I go to my message with Elias.

Buzz Buzz (Elias/OC)Where stories live. Discover now