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The rest of the ride was spent in silence. I just stared at the road, eye wide. How does one respond to that? How do you respond to someone telling you that they want to know you?

When we arrived to the hotel, I didn't notice until he had my door opened and lightly touched my shoulder. I had zoned out that hard. I carefully climb out of his rental, his gaze not quite meeting me.

I clear my throat. "So... My room, or yours?" I let a small laugh escape. "You said you want to know me. What other way to learn than to speak one on one?"

"Right, okay. I guess your room is okay. I'm rooming with Braun... I feel like that's enough said."

We both laugh a bit before we walk into the hotel and went into the elevator. As soon as the door closes, my phone buzzes.

"Hey Jas, Deano is taking me back to his room. Your car keys are on the bed. I won't be back ;)"

I roll my eyes before sliding my phone back into my leather coat. "Renee is crashing at Dean's tonight."

"That relates to us how?"

I blink rapidly before looking at him. His tone wasn't exactly harsh, but it sure as hell wasn't soft. I shake my head before looking back at the doors. The elevator pings and I walk right out, not even looking to see if he was behind me. I unlock the door to the room, and shut it as soon as he enters.

"So, I'm gonna change real quick. I rather not talk in a dress." I grab my keys off my bed and throw them on the dresser before grabbing a random outfit out. I take off my leather jacket and set it on the dresser as well, hearing a bed creak. I turn my head to see him sitting on the edge of Renee's bed, on his phone. I shake my head yet again before I walk into the bathroom.

I strip out of my dress, still in my heels. I kick those off and grab the pair of black draw-string shorts. After sliding those on, I fumble with my simple gray tank before putting that on as well. I grab the pair of socks I apparently picked up and made my way to the edge of the bathtub. After sitting down and pulling up my gray socks that have black wavy lines decorating them, I quietly pad back out to the bedroom.

"So, ask me anything

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"So, ask me anything. Questions are a great way to learn." I shrug to myself as I sit on the edge of my own bed, facing him. "I just have one rule." He raises an eyebrow. "Whatever you ask, you answer as well."

He rubs his chin through his thin beard. "Start off simple, I guess. Favorite music genre."

I stifle a laugh, knowing right at that moment that this was going to feel like a lifetime of questions. "Anything but rap I guess."

He sets his phone on the end table. "I dabble in country, but rock and blues have my heart."


It is now midnight and we're both sitting on my bed, laughing as I tell him the story of how I broke my arm the first time.

"You were mad Mandy didn't want to play with you? She was like five!"

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