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I make my way through the back, coming to the front just in time. My music hits and before I head out, I grab a mic. I walk down the ramp and right past the ring, ignoring all the boos and hate coming from the crowd. I grab a steel chair from the timekeeper's area and go towards the ring, throwing it in. I crawl in the ring and the crowd finally silences. I set up the chair and take a seat.

"A few things have been said, and I want to address each one of them. Lets start with the talk about a certain superstar and I." The crowd starts chanting 'walk with Elias' causing me to smirk and nod. "Yeah, yeah, I mean Elias." The crowd erupts into cheers. "People have been talking, and wondering if there's more than just a work relationship going on. There is. Not that it's any of y'alls concern, but Elias and I are indeed seeing each other." The crowd is a mix of emotions that I wait to die down before I continue.

"Moving on to the next topic. Earlier I declared war and said Mandy wasn't the only one I'm after. That is true." I stand up and walk the ropes that face the ramp. "You see, I work my ass off more than any of those females back there. I am the most dominant force on the women's roster. And I plan on taking gold. Maybe from Ember, maybe from Naomi. But, one way or the other, I'm taking that gold." The crowd explodes into boos again.

I start walking around the ring, looking at them as I wait for them quiet down again. Once they do, I proceed on to finish out what I have to say. "Now, the final piece that I want to discuss... Mandy." I take my seat again, looking up the ramp. "When I declared war earlier, I called her my sister. But last week, I said something in an interview with Renee. And ever since then, I've heard murmurs and I want to confront them. Play it back."

They pull it up on the titantron where last week after my match with Mandy, Renee interviewed me.

"And how do you feel about your victory against Mandy Ro-"

I snort. "It's not the first time I've beat her and It won't be the last. Even growing up, I was better than her. I was the better child and she knows that." I cut Renee off with a yawn.

"I heard people asking, Corey imparticulary, how would I know what she was like as a child. That's because I am her sister. My full name is Jasmine Key Rose." The crowd goes ballistic. I stand up again and fold the chair back up, leaning it against some turnbuckles. "Golden Goddess? God's Greatest Gift? No. Far from it, and I look forward to showing you all exactly how weak and-"

On cue, Mandy's music hits and she runs down to the ring, barely giving me the time to throw the mic down. She slides in and starts throwing punches just as I do. I get her off of me and hit her with a superkick. The crowd is insane. I start looking around at them, before my eyes land on the chair from earlier. Keeping my eyes trained on Mandy, I go and grab it. I raise it above my head and before I can bring it down against her back, a voice waves through the air.

"Stop!" I look up to see Stephanie at the top of the ramp. "You are so keen on destruction. You and her already had a fight, hell how you didn't injure her is beyond me. You're going to put that chair down and listen to me." I bring the chair down to my side, not letting it go. "You want to prove you're the better sibling, trust me, I get it. But not tonight. You'll get your chance this Sunday at Extreme rules." The crowd goes wild. "It will be you and Mandy in a first ever women's division no holds barred match."

My jaw dropped and the crowd is going wild. It's a division first, and I get to be in it. They didn't tell me this.

I'm making history.


~Elias' Perspective~

"It will be you and Mandy in a first ever women's division no holds barred match."

People in the locker room explode into conversation, causing me to of course roll my eyes. But I'm happy for her. This is big. The locker room is still in chaos so I shake my head and head to the guerilla, waiting for Jasmine.

"Holy shit, thank you Stephanie! This is like... an honor. Oh my parents are going to flip!"

Stephanie's cackle fills the air. "You have been one of the best women in the company since you joined. It's time we use you like we need to." She gives a short hug to Jasmine before walking away.

Jasmine runs up to me and throws her arms around me in a hug, causing me to smile. I wrap my arms around her tightly and pick her up. "Can you believe it? No hold barred! First ever women's match! History," she squeals.

I gently set her down as I chuckle. "I knew you had it in you, princess." She crinkles up her nose. "You really don't like princess?"

"It's just, there's so many different things you could call me."

"Now that, that's an opening." I wrap my arm around her and we make our way to her private dressing room.

When we get there, she takes a seat on her couch and yawns. I just lean against the wall, feeling my phone go off in my pocket.

"You have a match tonight?"

Taking my phone out and putting it on silent before shoving it back in the back pocket, I sit beside her. "I do, I'm going against Seth. But they want you to stay away from the ring this time. You've been quite active tonight." She nods, yawning again. "You seem pretty wiped, anyways." She nods again.

"Luckily we have tomorrow off, so I can rest up a bit. Hey, wait, shouldn't you be getting ready for your match?"

I glance at the tv that's on mute to see Drew and Baron against Dolph and Balor. "Yeah, we're up in two segments." I groan as I get up. "I need to get a couple things ready from the locker room anyway."

She nods and yawns again. "Who's coming out on top?"

"I am, but I end up getting triple power-bombed after."

"Be careful, okay?"

She doesn't see it, but I roll my eyes. "Of course, princess."

I kiss her on the cheek and leave her room. I grab my phone out of my back pocket to finally check the message.

Careful going into that room alone with her. We know I'm the one you'd rather be with.

Same number, same person.

Cut the shit, we've been through this before. You're my past, she's my now.

And she doesn't even know. Tread carefully, Elias. And if I'm your past, then why did you spend every night with me when she was in the hospital? Just remember, you stray too far out of line, and her heart is gonna be broken.

I groan before turning my phone back on vibrate and putting it down in my gym bag.

Buzz buzz

Buzz buzz

...Buzz buzz


A/N: So! It's a little messy, what's happening there but... well no buts. It's messy and when or if Jasmine finds out, all hell will break loose. Thing is, she won't find out this book. It'll be book two, which I'm writing chapters for already.

Till next time! Take care and much love! xx

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