You're Special

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I stopped walking as soon as I heard we were clear. I turned and jogged back into the trainer's room, Elias following me in.

"You were asking me if my neck was bothering me?" The trainer nods. "It is a bit and it started close to the end of the match."

"Around when Mandy speared you off the apron into the barricade?"

"That sounds about right."

Elias is leaning beside the door as I sit down as instructed. The trainer does a few things, testing my range of mobility I guess. She nods before she steps back.

"What it seems like is a grade one strain. I'm going to mark you off of the live events and I want you to come see me before the show on Monday to see if I can clear you for that."

I blink before looking at the trainer. "That's it? I'm off of the live events this week? I could be off for Monday? Are you serious?" Out of the corner of my eye I see Elias poke his head out the door a bit before stepping out all the way. "Do you know how long I've been in this company? Quite some time. I've never been out at all for injury and I've only been out once on sickness."

Out of the corner of my eye I see Elias come back in with Renee and Dean with him. The trainer put her clipboard down. "Jasmine, I understand that, I do. But, now that you do have an injury you need to take care of it."

"It's a grade one strain! Like I can't do anything with that, please." I stand back up and see Dean push in beside Elias and Renee and step closer. "This is ridiculous. You can't do this."

"Jasmine, if the trainer-"

"I know my own limits! I've had more pain than this and still went out there and put on one hell of a match. You can't take me off, no." I'm practically glaring at the trainer at this point and Dean has stepped back because he knows better. But, Elias doesn't. He puts a hand on my arm and I face him now to be met with hard-set face.

"You need to rest."

I do a set of neck rolls before jerking my arm away. I walk, more like stomp, to the door. I look back at Elias who is right behind me and the trainer who looks relieved. "This isn't over."

I walk out the room. I walk down the hall ignoring Elias' attempts to stop me. I walk to the women's locker room and change back into my workout clothes. I jerk the door back open as I go to leave and am met with Elias.

"I've never been out on injury. I'm not starting now." I walk past him just enough to shut the door and then look up at him. "I've been through worse and still wrestled." He's just looking down at me, not like he was earlier. "What?"

He smirks, still looking down at me. "You are insanely stubborn."

I couldn't help the little chuckle that came out before I jokingly shoved him. "You know what? Fuck off." We both just start laughing as we walk towards the gorilla position. "Thank you for trying back there by the way. But, I'm still fighting." I shake my head a bit.

Elias stops walking and pulls me to a stop as well as we're only a few feet away from the curtain. "No."

I look up at him, and I can't get a read on him which causes me to squint my eyes. "I am."

He shakes his head before tilting it to just one side. "You don't listen."

"I don't, you're right."

"Do me a favor, and listen this one time."

My eyes meet his, and I finally can get a read on him.

"This is the first time I can get a read on you. You're... worried?"

He starts looking around before he looks back down at me and nods. "Yeah. Because a neck injury can turn into something career ending." He puts a hand on my cheek, letting his thumb run over the skin. "And while you've never been out on injury, being out a job would be worse princess."

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