We're Decent!

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I'm finally showered and back into the outfit I had on before the show. I shake my head before putting my hair back into a messy ponytail as I walk the hall, on my way to see Seth and the boys. My body is screaming in protests of pain as I walk, but I just shake my head again before pulling out my phone to double check the room the guys said they were in at the stadium.

And then, I'm knocked on my ass for my second time tonight. I groan as I go to stand up and end up butting heads with whoever this is. I groan again when I see who it is.

"Sorry Elias, I should watch out I guess. But then again, maybe you could as well?" A small chuckle escapes me as his gaze just bores into me. I sigh before rolling my eyes. "Look, I'm sort of in a rush and-"

"When aren't you rushing when you're back here?"

I shift my weight onto the other foot as I put my phone in my back pocket and bring my hands to my hips. "I'm normally not, but I'm still disoriented from the small break I had"

"Yeah, I was going to say something about that earlier when we collided the first time." I just stare at him, raising an eyebrow as in a way to tell him to continue. He nods to himself. "You were gone." I give a short laugh before shaking my head. I roll my eyes once more and start walking past him. "Why?"

I stop walking, keeping my eyes forward. "I wanted to get away for a bit." I look at the floor. "I've never heard a silence quite as loud as the one you left me on." I look back up and start walking without giving him a chance to respond.

I shake my head as I continue walking, now mumbling to myself about how I should have asked for a longer break so I wouldn't have had to deal with him. I would ask to switch brands but that'd mean giving up the feud I have right now with my sister which is apparently doing well already. I stop walking and mumbling when I get to the door with the number Seth said they were in, and pause briefly before knocking.

"We're decent!"

I groaned at Dean's response as I let myself in, seeing Renee sitting on the couch. I take a seat beside her, pulling my feet up to sit criss cross. She chuckles and I look at her raising an eyebrow.

She leans over to me, her mouth right near my ear. "You're in trouble with Seth still. " She pulls away and giggles and I have to force myself to look down to try to mask the smile.

"What'd we miss?" It's Roman's voice, as he comes into the room from the hallway, leaving the door open. Seth comes in shortly and shuts the door rather harshly which makes Renee start laughing even harder.

I make the mistake of looking at her and start to slowly creep into my own laughing fit which of course makes her laugh even harder. Hearing how hard she's laughing, I begin to laugh hard enough to snort which causes everyone to start laughing.

I bring a hand to my mouth to cover it as we all slowly stop laughing. I look over to Renee, shaking my head. "You're a mess, you know that." She nods, trying to not laugh again and I shake my head before looking over at the boys. "So, I was called here?"

Seth nods. "You didn't drive did you?" I actually have to think before shaking my head. "Who'd you carpool with?"

I bite my lip before looking over to Renee. "This is what you were on about?" She nods before I look back to Seth. "You already know?" He nods once. "But you want me to say it out loud anyways?" He nods once again. "Do they know, Roman and Dean I mean?" He shakes his head and I just stare at him for a moment before pursing my lips. "Okay, fine. Yeah, I carpooled with Sheamus."

"Why were you late?"

"You really think I'd be late because him and I were-"

"Answer my question."

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