Fuck Off

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Peggy's POV:

At school, word had gone around that we had been dating, and no one seemed to mind. Occasionally there were idiots who couldn't keep their mouth's shut and that affected me the most.  It was mostly the same people and Maria was starting to get pissed. Then one day something had changed the tables turned. Jefferson and Madison were coming towards us, and Angelica, Alexander, Eliza and John were trailing right behind us. Jefferson and Madison as usual, came up to us and said, "What're you doing fags?" Pushing us around slapping Maria in the face. Then Laurens came forward saying, "Fuck off. You are one to talk Jefferson. I know you like to hide the fact that you are gay, because you are popular but come on. I always see you kissing Madison and if it's not him, you try kissing me, so back off, give the girls a break." O_O*   BURN!! As for the slap Maria got, she kicked both of them in the balls, and I spat at them. We then strode off, but I ran straight to the bathroom. I knew that I shouldn't care what those snot rags thought, but they got me every time. 

I went into the first stall to cry, but I didn't know that Maria had followed behind me. She asked to see me, but I wouldn't open the door. So she did anything any irrational Girlfriend would do..... She climbed over the stall and jumped in to see me. To be honest, it was so sweet, and I couldn't ever see anyone else doing that.  I loved her so much, but I couldn't let her see me break down like this. I pushed her away, but she came back and gently put her hand under my chin, slowly lifting it so our eyes would meet. She then began to kiss my neck, and then my lips. She knew how to make me feel better. She whispered encouragement and that everything was going to be fine. It was, as long as I had her.

Maria's POV:

I kicked them as hard as I could in the balls. My face still stung, but that was the least of my worries right now. I was worried about Peggy, and as soon as she ran off, I knew exactly where to find her. I ran behind her and saw her headed to the bathrooms, where she entered, locking herself in the stall. I heard her crying and asked that I could see her, that she would let me in. She wouldn't let me in, so even though it would probably make things worse, I climbed over the stall and came close to her. She pushed me away at first, but then I came back lifting her chin. I pecked her neck with love. I wanted her to feel safe, special. I kissed her on the lips this time, and the crying had died down. I told her everything would be fine, and we would just need to keep fighting. I knew everything was fine, as long as I had her close, with me.

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