Chapter 2

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Chapter 2:

Professor Oak


Pallet Town-

Red had started at a walk towards the lab, but eventually he finished on a dead sprint. The lab was only a couple miles away, and Pallet Town of course was not very large.

On his way he passed by the beach hoping to see some remnants or smoke of the explosion that happened on the Island to the south. However, all he could see was crystal clear water and the great blue sky, not a cloud in sight. He thought he saw something dart from the southern horizon to the northern, but eventually just thought it to be his nerves.

When he arrived at the lab's door, he found he was shaking all over. Before he could even knock on the front door, it swung open. In the doorway was a boy about Red's age, but he was a little taller with spiky hair and a smirk on his face.

"Man, when gramps said he invited some other kid, I thought he'd look a little tougher." The boy looked at Red.

Tougher? Thought Red. When Red had dressed this morning, he put on his bright red Pokémon Trainer's over shirt. This thing's official! How can it not be tough?

"Oh well," the other boy said. "Gramps wants to see you now."

Gramps? Who could he be talking about? Surely not-

"Red! Good to see you," there he was: Professor Oak. He stood about the same height as the boy who "greeted" Red at the lab's door, but he was a little hunched over with age. However, a bright gleam shined in his eye that signified experience and greatness. "I see you've met my grandson, Green. He didn't go to your Pokémon Trainers School, so you may not recognize him. In fact, I educated him myself."

Red looked at the other boy, Green, his arms crossed, that smug look on his face, a glimmer of satisfaction in his eyes. He must be really good. His grandpa was Samuel Oak, former Elite Four member, former Pokémon League Champion, and current world-renowned expert of Pokémon Research. He's probably had some hands-on pointers.

"Gramps said I get to have first pick of the three Pokémon he ordered," sneered Green. He walked over towards the table with three red on top, white on bottom ball-like capsules.

"Now, Green, just because you're my grandson doesn't mean that you are entitled to special treatment."

"It's OK, professor," Red said. "I'm sure that a head start for him is certainly fair." Green glared at Red, insulted. Though he was his grandson, Oak looked at Red admirably, as if seeing himself in Red's shoes.

"Oh ho ho, a confident one aren't we?" said Oak. "I thought I liked you when I visited your graduation from Trainer's school and heard your speech, but now I know it. Keep up that spirit kid and the sky's the limit. No spotlight will be too bright for you, I can feel it. Now let's get down to business." Oak walked towards the tables where the shiny capsules sat. "I know this is review for you two, but it’s my standard protocol. What are these capsules called?"

"Poke-balls!" said Red and Green simultaneously.

"Each one contains a Trainer's Pokémon," said Red.

Green responded to his grandfather as well, but seemed to also be correcting Red: "Sometimes they contain nothing at all, and are used to capture wild Pokémon by Trainers."

"Good! Both of you!" Oak said with a smile seemingly ignoring tension between the two boys. He looked at his watch, then out of the window of the laboratory. "It looks like the other new trainer I invited is going to be running a little late… Oh well, sometimes Pokémon Trainers have to learn their lessons the hard way… Now, who's ready to receive their first Pokémon?"

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