Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Red vs Green II:



Viridian City Square-

Out of Green's Poke-ball came another bird-like Pokémon. This one a little was taller than Pidgey. He had red wings, a black body, and a brown head. His eyes, unlike Pidgey's rather kind eyes, were fierce and angry. Red's instincts told him that Pidgey was at a disadvantage, he was smaller and scrawnier. Green had this same instinct, and his smug smirk showed it.

"Don't be intimidated Pidgey!" Red turned on his Pokedex to find out what attacks Pidgey could use against Spearow. By this time, a significant crowd had gathered and was chattering excitedly. Green, however, already knew what Spearow's moves were, he was prepared.

"Use Leer, Spearow!" Green commanded. Spearow turned its head to the side and glared at Pidgey through the corner of one eye. Pidgey caught its gaze and was dumbstruck. "Now use Peck Attack!" Spearow flew over to Pidgey and pecked it with its hooked beak. Red had had no time to react to this swift move.

"Come on Pidgey," Red said. He found a move that might be of use to him. "Pidgey! Sand Attack!" Pidgey attempted to shrug off the pecking, and flew over to a patch of dirt. Spearow flew in for another Peck, and Pidgey kicked the dirt in its eyes.

"Alright!" exclaimed Blue. "Try and peck what you can't see, you rat with wings!"

Spearow was furious, his eyes were stinging. He squinted through the pain until he saw Pidgey's outline. Pidgey was ready for it again. And if you have figured out Pidgey's personality by now, he likes to have a little fun. Pidgey, um, dropped his wet, white bird poo in another pile of dirt, and when Spearow flew by to deliver a super-charged Peck, Pidgey kicked up the vile mix of dirt and dung right on Spearow's eyes again.

"SPEAROOOOOW!" Spearow had had enough. It was flying around aimlessly, dive-bombing at everything that moved. Green ran and caught Spearow in his arms, then poured a bottle of water on his eyes, and washed Spearow with a rag.

Spearow eyed Pidgey again. Pidgey eyed Spearow back. Pidgey decided to make another batch of home cooking, but Spearow had a plan. Spearow was ready. Spearow flew right at Pidgey, and pulled up at the last second. Pidgeys soufflé missed Spearow and flew into the crowd, hitting a man square in the face.

At this point, Spearow flew straight up into the air, and when he heard "Oh my God, my eyes! It stinks" dove straight down, his wings streamlined he shot like a missile right on top of Pidgey. The collision was so hard, that the asphalt cracked. Pidgey was knocked out cold. Spearow had won.

"You fought hard, Pidgey," Red said as he recalled the fainted Pidgey back into its Poke-ball.

"And dirty," added Blue.

"Well, well," said Green. "It looks like I still have two Pokémon remaining and Red only has one. Come on Red, let's see what Squirtle can do against my 'winged rat'." Spearow glared at Red out of the corner of his eye.

Red released Squirtle from his Poke-ball. Squirtle struck his Captain Morgan pose as he landed. He pointed at Blue and Nidoran and flexed his Muscles.

"Let's try Leer again, Spearow," commanded Green. Spearow shot Squirtle the same glance that terrified Pidgey. Squirtle, however, was not impressed. He began to act like he was scared, and thoroughly mocked Spearow. "Alright, Spearow, we're not gonna take that! Peck it right on its head!"

Spearow launched at Squirtle and soared through the air, but just as his beak was about to make contact with Squirtle's head, Red barked a command, and Squirtle pulled just his head into his shell. Spearow was going too fast to slow down, and his whole head got stuck inside Squirtle's shell also.

"Way to go, boy!" said Red. "Now slam it around with some Tackle attacks!" Squirtle was now running around, jumping, and landing on what would be his head, which was now Spearow's body. Just as Spearow's struggling began to soften, Red ordered his ace-in-the-hole move. "Win it with Bubble!"

Spearow shot out of Squirtle's shell followed by a powerful spray of glowing blue bubbles. It landed at Greens feet. Squirtle wagged a finger at his defeated opponent, then turned to Nidoran and Blue again and flexed.

"Yeah! Way to go Squirtle!" yelled Blue back in encouragement. Nidoran batted her eyes.

"Well, let's see what you've got next, Green!" Red yelled. "Bring on Charmander! It'll be just like old times!" Green released Charmander. Charmander's confidence was a little stronger than last time. The flame on its tail grew alternately large and smaller as if revving its engine. Charmander flexed its claws.

"Charmander! Scratch it!" Charmander was running in close to use this attack, but Red ordered Squirtle to use a bubble attack before Charmander could get in range. The little orange lizard cringed as if in excruciating pain.

"Good thinking, Red!" yelled Blue. "Charmander is a fire-type Pokémon, it's weak against water-type attacks like Bubble."

Charmander was furious, the flame on its tail burned brightly, and its eyes seemed to glow.

"Alright, Charmander, use Ember," Green said. Charmander spun around, and flames shot out from its tail at Squirtle. Squirtle tried to put the flames out with Bubble, but the flames kept going and singed Squirtle. "Normally, fire-type moves don't do well against Water Pokémon, but Charmander's special ability, Blaze, increases the power of fire-attacks when Charmander sustains enough damage!"

The small flames from Ember were beginning to take its toll on Squirtle, soon, it fell to its knees. Then, his eyes glowed blue, as well as the lines in the scales on his shell.

"Charmander's not the only Pokémon with a special ability!" Red explained. He had his Pokedex out and began to read. "'Squirtle's special ability, Torrent, increases the power of water-type attacks when enough damage is sustained!"

Green's look of satisfaction changed instantly to one of fear. Squirtle inhaled a deep breath, its eyes angry and glowing, and exhaled a wave of high-pressure bubbles that knocked Charmander into Green, and Green onto his back. Charmander had fainted. Squirtle and Red claimed victory.

Green instantly tried to play off his loss. "I went easy on you because I was going to battle the Gym Leader, tomorrow."

Red knew just what to say, "The Gym Leader isn't ready to battle anyone because he just was awarded the Gym. He's not even moved in yet." Red, Blue, and the surrounding crowd all laughed at Green's ignorance-well, everyone except for the man still frantically trying to wipe Pidgey's business off his face.

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