Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

The Second Gym

Pewter City-

Lance and Agatha arrived at dusk the next evening. They walked to the Pewter Gym as Lance informed her about the incident at Mt. Moon, and the strange being that terrified the Rocket Captain.

"In my experience," said Agatha, "I would say you're dealing with a person, not a ghost. Many Psychic-type Pokémon Trainers have developed the ability of telepathy themselves. The Gym Leader in Saffron City, Sabrina, is one of these trainers. Anyone unprepared for such a thing would receive quite the scare I'm sure." They walked down the stairs into the stadium. "Still, this person's interest in Team Rocket is worth monitoring. He must not interfere with our own investigation. I have a feeling this Team Rocket organization runs far deeper than we think. I don't even think we can trust the Gym Leaders to assist us more than we could assist ourselves successfully. We must be on our toes m'boy."

They arrived at the underground stadium, Brock was there kneeling down sweating profusely. The battlefield was torn to bits. Small shards of rock were scattered even into the stands. The Rocket Captain was nowhere to be seen.

Lance leapt down the last few steps to the battlefield and ran over to Brock. "What happened?"

Brock looked up. "It was horrible. A man came in matching the description of the Phantom… He's a trainer. He came in requesting to see the Captain, he said he wanted to speak with him… His voice seemed to be coming from inside my head. The Captain cowered in the corner saying 'It's him! It's him!' I said whatever he wanted he could wait… the Phantom didn't want to wait. We battled, I tried to stop him… His Pokémon are ancient, like Pokémon long extinct that have come back to life… He easily defeated me. He picked up the Captain with one arm. He even went so far as to take a Boulder Badge. 'I have defeated a Gym Leader after all,' he said. He disappeared… just like that. Then you showed up."

Agatha took in the story. "Well Lance," she said. "I think it's plain to see that the Phantom is clearly not on our side. In Brock and the Captain's stories he wanted to speak with the Captain. The Captain however, didn't know the Phantom-judging by his reactions. We can deduce he's not a member of Team Rocket…yet. The Phantom also took a Gym Badge. Trainers seeking Gym Badges wish to become strong. Team Rocket is becoming stronger and more dangerous each day… Maybe this 'Phantom' wants a part of Team Rocket. Alas! Let us not stray from our path. The Elite Four's mission is to disband Team Rocket from the top. Let us observe this Phantom… he may turn out to be a friend; if not, we will take him down too."


Cerulean City-

Red and Blue had finally arrived at the hill-top town of Cerulean City. The tallest buildings rested at the top of a hill, and a crystal clear creek ran down the hill to later join the river. The first place they visited of course was the Pokémon Center. They stayed there that night as their Pokémon were restored to full health.

The next day, Red asked for directions to the local Gym. He learned that it was the building at the very top of the hill. They walked along winding streets towards the top of the hill. Eventually, they caught sight of a great sign that said simply "Gym."

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