Chapter 25

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Chapter 25:

The S.S. Anne Championship:

Blue vs Green

Just as the Team Rocket goon was entering the elevator to try and steal Red's Pokémon, the S.S. Anne championship match was beginning.

"So I'm guessing you beat Red," said Blue. "Oh well, I've always wanted to teach you a lesson myself. Like you, I received a Pokémon from Professor Oak, but the first Pokémon that I ever had is right here. Go Nidoran!" Nidoran materialized in front of the partygoer-crowd, and was greeted to some slight applause. Nidoran are relatively rare, and not the usual sight for a Trainer every day (unless, of course, that trainer owned one).

"Hmph," said Green. "What a puny little Pokémon." Nidoran growled a little growl at Green, insulted. "Let's see how the crowd likes my Pokémon! Go, Charmeleon!" At first it seemed to Blue that Charmander had come out of Green's Poke-ball, but it was not so. Charmeleon was Charmander evolved. It was significantly taller, about the height of Wartortle. Its body had turned from orange to red, and it had a backwards-pointing horn on top of its head. The flame on its tail burned more ferociously than ever. The crowd roared with approval and many stood on their feet. Charmeleon are truly ferocious in battle, and always put on a great show.

"Don't be intimidated, Nidoran, use Double-kick!" instructed Blue. Nidoran bounced towards Charmeleon (who stood waiting and grinning), and Nidoran jumped and twirled in the air ready to deliver a one-two kick with her hind feet.

"Charmeleon, use Metal Claw!" Charmeleon flashed its vicious claws and they reflected the sun like they were made of steel. It swiped Nidoran out of the air, and she hit the deck hard. "Give up, girl," said Green. "You know as well as I do that Nidoran, though it's been with you for a long time, can't compete with my evolved Charmeleon. It simply doesn't have that kind of strength."

"We never give up!" yelled Blue. "Come on, girl, use Scratch attack!" Nidoran picked herself up of the wooden deck and lunged towards the red fire-lizard.

"Silly girl," said Green. "Ember attack now!" Charmeleon shot glowing red flames from its tail as it swished it from side to side, burning Nidoran on contact. The little blue poison-rabbit was about to fall over, knocked out when suddenly the entire S.S. Anne was rocked from side to side from a massive explosion. Smoke could be seen on one of the sides of the ship and many of the crowd members started freaking out.

"We'll finish this later," said Blue. "Nidoran, return!" Nidoran dematerialized into Blue's outstretched Poke-ball, Green however, did not recall Charmeleon. Blue ran towards the smoking side of the boat, she did not see Red in the crowd and was beginning to get worried. She noticed Green following her.

Lieutenant Surge at the explosion walked towards where the life boats were kept, he wanted to get off this ship. To his shock, Lorelei of the Elite Four was waiting for him.

"Where do you think you're going?" she asked. "I have some questions to ask you first."

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