Author's Note

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Thanks to everybody who read and stuck it out to the very end (or, at least for this part in the story).  I know I don't do a lot of author commentary (none actually) throughout the story, but here it is at the end so let me say it again, Thank each and everyone of you who has already voted, commented, or will vote/comment in the future.   

Special shout out to those who have been reading since the first week this has been up on Wattpad: Serena-Daniels, LucarioMaster41, and K_Author! Y'all will always be my first! 

As for the follow up Rise of Team Rocket, you don't have to wait very long for it to hit Wattpad because... I've already finished the story :P However, the bad news is, I will only update one to two chapters per week, as I want to get my next story ready to go smoothly after RoTR concludes, whether that be another sequel, or a parallel story, or a completely new story alltogether, I want to be able to dish them out to you consistantly. 

Again, thanks for all the comments, criticisms, votes, and just plain reading.  You guys are awesome and, just for you, here's a sneak peak at A Pokemon Tale, Part II: The Rise of Team Rocket.

“Lance! Lance, can you hear me?” she said.  The audio was filled with static, and the video feed kept cutting in and out.

            “Yes, Lorelei? I’ve been here for almost an hour now. Where are you?” He was expecting her to join him, but she was still seen on the video to be in a Pokémon Center.

            “There’s a terrible electric storm outside, I’ve been trying to get through to you! I was going to join you but right before the storm started, I was sidetracked!” The video signal was fading fast, but Lance struggled to make out a few words “Flew in…lightning…entire city...Phantom!”  The signal turned to static. 

            Well, maybe I get to finally meet the Phantom. He thought.  Lance was retracing his steps in the dark.  Suddenly, Dragonite began growling at something unseen in the shadows, and Lance heard a voice answer him in his mind.

            Request granted, it said.  A single light panel came on in the ceiling, illuminating the figure of man robed in grey, with long, black leather gloves and boots covering his hands and feet.  He wore a black bandana over his face that covered everything under the hood except his eyes, which seemed to shine in the dark.  Your concern for Team Rocket is certainly justified, but I can’t have you meddle with MY plans. The Phantom raised its hand at the Champion and his Dragon, and before Dragonite could launch an attack, Lance and his Pokémon found themselves in the Pokémon Center, next to Lorelei.

A Pokemon Tale Part I: The Journey BeginsWhere stories live. Discover now