Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

The Pokedex


Pallet TownProfessor Oak's Lab

The next day, at Ten O' Clock, Red and Squirtle arrived at Professor Oak's lab with a clean set of clothes and a clean custom Poke-ball. Waiting for them at Oak's lab was Green, and the young girl with a Nidoran by her side, as well as the Professor himself. On the desk which once held the three Poke-balls, were three small, red, electronic devices that reminded Red of a cell phone.

"As you may know, I used to be quite the Trainer back in the day," began Oak. "But now in my old age, I can't really battle like I used to. So I dedicated my life to researching and learning about Pokémon. These little gadgets are my latest invention." He gestured to them with his hands. "These are the Pokedexes. They are able to scan the Pokémon that you own, and tell you their attacks, what condition they're in, identify wild Pokémon, and they even function as a cell phone."

Blue was ecstatic. She had always wanted a cell phone before, and now she had one.

Oak carried on. "You are the first three trainers to ever receive these, and you should consider it a great honor. I hope you will catch many Pokémon so that we all may learn more about these fascinating creatures. Oh! I almost forgot! I have a surprise for you three!"

He opened a bag and in it were 15 empty Poke-balls, and he passed out five to each youngster.

"With these we can start catching Pokémon right away!" Red said excitedly. His eyes turned to Green.

"Hmph!" snarled Green. "I'm gonna catch the strongest Pokémon with these. Hey Red, how about a little challenge?" Green obviously wasn't over his first loss, and also wanted an opportunity to show off to the new girl. Not wanting to look like a coward, Red responded.

"Alright! I'll beat you again any time, any place!" he said. "Name your game!"

"Here are the rules," Green began. "We will each catch one new Pokémon with our Poke-balls, then we'll meet in Viridian City to settle the score! Sound easy enough for you?"

Red was beginning to get tired of his cocky behavior.

"Fine! We'll beat you just like last time! Right Squirtle?" Red turned to Squirtle who began bouncing up and down, ready to fight at this moment.

"Alright, then I'm off to get my new Pokémon that I'm gonna beat you with!" Green exited the building.

Blue walked up to Red. "Excuse me, if you are going to Viridian City, then would you mind letting me tag along with you?"

Even though Red had told Squirtle that she wasn't that cute earlier, she was that cute in fact. Red agreed to let Blue accompany him to Viridian City.

"But first," said Red, "I've got to catch another Pokémon for Green's challenge."


Indigo Plateau-

"Alright, Dragonite, land here!" Lance had arrived back at the Pokémon League Headquarters at the Indigo Plateau. The headquarters was a giant open-roof stadium where the Pokémon League Championships are held every year. The stadium also had a private penthouse for each member of the Elite Four. Dragonite landed in the stadium, on the battle field.

Lance still wasn't used to being Champion, and being in the stadium still filled him with awe and humbled him. Lance hopped off of Dragonite and recalled it into its Poke-ball. When Lance turned towards the tunnel that would take him to the meeting room, a tall beautiful woman with glasses and raven colored hair ran to greet him.

"Lorelei!" said Lance excitedly. "I missed you so much! I'm back with my report about the explosion down on Cinnabar Island."

Lorelei hugged him. "Come on," she said. "Agatha is waiting in the meeting room." She motioned for him to follow her.

Lance trailed her. "Where's Bruno?" asked Lance.

"He's in Saffron City. You know he's got that new girlfriend of his."

Lance thought for a moment. He and Bruno had been best friends since they were young. They started off their own Pokémon journeys together, and now they both had ascended to the ranks of the Elite Four.

"The Gym Leader girl, right?" asked Lance.

Lorelei rolled her eyes. "Yes, that Sabrina. She's all he ever talks about nowadays. He can't even come to our meeting he's so obsessed with her."

"Well, he's kinda new to this dating thing," said Lance. At last they reached the meeting suite in the Stadium, it had a window with the best view of the battlefield on one wall. On another, a video board was turned off. In the center of a room was a beautiful square table made of stone, with four chairs. One chair was turned around facing the window, on the back of it was a nameplate that read "AGATHA." Lance took the seat that had his name, and Lorelei took the seat that was hers.

Agatha's chair swung back around. She was an old woman, about the same age as Professor Oak. She had a cane in her hand topped by a Poke-ball.

"Well, Lance, what of that awful explosion down on Cinnabar Island."

"Well, Agatha…" he began to tell his story.

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