Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

Road Block…Again?

Vermillion City-

Red and Blue headed from the Vermillion Pokémon Center around eleven in the morning. Their Pokémon were fully healed according to the nurse, and as they walked east through the city Red released them from their Poke-balls to walk alongside them. Pidgey flew through the sky with a lot of spunk, and Pikachu trotted merrily along. Wartortle, however, seemed very bummed from its loss still. It walked with its head down with a woe-is-me attitude.

Eventually, the buildings and shipyards of Vermillion City lay behind them. As they continued walking they came across a trainer brushing the fur of a beautiful fox Pokémon. Its fur was maroon, and it had six tails. Red checked his Pokedex and learned that it was Vulpix, and it was a fire-type Pokémon.

"You did a great job taking care of that Pokémon," said Blue. "Its fur is so shiny." The other trainer allowed her to pet it. "Oh! It's warm!"

"That's because its inner flame is healthy!" laughed the trainer. "It's not just a pretty Pokémon though! Wait till you see what it can do in battle! My name's Darian who wants to battle?"

Red felt it was the perfect time for Wartortle to get its confidence back by easily handling a Fire-type Pokémon. "I'll battle you! Come on, Wartortle!" Wartortle shook its head and sat down, looking very depressed. "Fine then, but you're gonna wish you were in on the fun once it starts! How about you Pidgey? Ready to go?" Pidgey cooed in earnest and Pikachu bounced over to Blue to watch the battle.

Darian had trained his Vulpix exceedingly well, and it could run just as fast as Pidgey could fly. Red ordered a Gust attack to keep Vulpix away, but Darian was an experienced trainer and was prepared.

"Vulpix, use Fire Spin!" Vulpix breathed twisting flame at Pidgey, and the surrounding winds caught fire. Soon, Pidgey was enveloped in a flaming tornado.

"Come on, Pidgey," Red yelled. "Blow those flames away!" Then, Pidgey hurtled out of the tornado and landed on the ground with a thud. Wartortle looked up and began to take interest. It ran over to take Pidgey's place but it was stopped…by Pidgey.

It cooed at Wartortle saying in its Pokémon Speech "I don't need your help!" However, Pidgey was blackened and some of its feathers were singed. Suddenly, it got a determined look in its eye. It ran along the ground and then lifted itself in the air.

"Vulpix, get ready for another Fire Spin!" commanded Darian, but something happened that he wasn't prepared for. While Pidgey was flying towards Vulpix, it began to glow. It more than tripled in size, and it grew a crest of red feathers on its head. Pidgey had evolved. The new evolved Pokémon flew with a speed that Red had never seen before, and it took Vulpix by surprise as it swooped low and knocked Vulpix into the air.

Red didn't know what to call his evolved Pidgey yet, so he just said, "Now finish it with Quick Attack!" The evolved Pokémon became a blur as it dive-bombed Vulpix, and knocked it out.

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