Park Jimin

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Groaning, I lift my head from the smothering position it's in to see I'm in an unknown room. Frowning, I twist around only to jerk in immense pain. My lower back and ass throbs. Whimpering, not understand what's going on, I frantically look around to see Tae asleep beside me.
I also notice that I'm naked. What. The. Fuck. Why am I naked in a bed with my best friend?! Panic runs through me as I begin to hyperventilate. I'm scared and embarrassed to wake him up and ask. Terrified for the reason I'm like this.
There's no way...I did something...with him...I'm not gay! There's no way, right? Okay, calm down Jimin. You're overreacting. Nothing happened. You just got seriously drunk and maybe threw up all over your clothes and Tae being a good friend just took them off...yeah. This makes sense.
Calming down slightly, I gently push his shoulder. He doesn't budge. Grunting with impatience, I shove harder and he groans loudly, rolling over. The blanket moves as well and my eyes widen as his naked body comes into full view. No...there's no mind goes into overdrive on all the reasons why he is naked too. I don't like them. One bit.
Finally, his eyes open slowly and he smiles at me. His normal body Tae smile that usually reassures me. It doesn't now. I need to know what's going on. "Morning, Minie." He yawns, stretching.
My eyes immediately latch on to his ab muscles flexing and lower...stop it! "Uh, Tae?" I mumble, looking away.
"W-why are we naked?" My voice comes out as more of a whisper.
He frowns, eyes searching my face. "You don't remember?" He sounds cautious. Nervous, even. It makes my panicked state even worse.
"No. I remember getting really drunk and falling on a bed to sleep. I remember hearing your voice and felt you touch my arm just before I blacked out." I explain to the best of my abilities. It's all still hazy and dark to me.
He nods slowly, refusing to meet my gaze anymore. He takes a large breath before sitting up and reaching for his boxers. He slips them on and stands, scratching his neck, looking uncomfortable.
"Tae?" I ask, hugging my knees and gripping the blanket tightly. I don't like his silence.
"Nothing." He blurts out. "Nothing happened, Minie. No worries. You f-fell off the bed which is why you probably hurt." He looks around the room as I take in this new information, my shoulders slumping in relief. "I'll get your clothes." He mumbles, tossing them to me.
I dress quickly under the sheets while he heads to the bathroom. I refuse to acknowledge the deep scratches on his neck and shoulders. Once I'm no longer naked and vulnerable, I feel much better and head downstairs to grab some breakfast.
I smell bacon and know Hoseok is cooking. I peak into the kitchen and he smiles widely at me. "You had fun last night!" He laughs and nods at my neck. Frowning in confusion, I look into the mirror they have on the wall and freeze. Deep dark hickories litter my neck going inside my collar.
I scoff, hiding my shame and embarrassment. Tae lied to me... "I can't believe you're up this early and cheerful after last night." I force a smile.
He chuckles. "You can't stop the sun from rising, sweetie. I'm unstoppable..." he pauses, pouting. "And Yoongi wouldn't shut up about me starving him to death and pushed me off the bed." He huffs, crossing his arms. "I swear he so mean to me! I have no idea why I love him so much."
I laugh. "I can't answer that for you." Teasingly.
He perks up immediately. "So...who was the lucky girl last night? I saw you stumbling up the stairs drunk as fuck last night. You obviously got some action." He raises his brows suggestively.
"I...don't remember." I flush.
He snorts. "I'd say not. You're too much of a lightweight, Minie." He looks around me. "Tae! You're up! Look, look!" He points to me. "Minie got some action last night! I'm so proud!" He gushes.
I glance up to see Tae looking rather pale as he slowly sits beside me. "Oh, really?" He peaks at me as I glare back at him. "That's great!" He smiles.
I hold my scowl. "Really?" I clench my teeth. Why is he being like this? It's more than obvious I'm like this because of him and yet he won't even be man enough to tell me the truth. Did I do something to encourage it? I know he's never rape or hurt me...but...I just don't know what to think.
I give him a look this says we'll definitely talk when we get home and he lowers his head, shame faced. Hobo ignores all this as he finishes up making our eggs and bacon.
"Did anyone else stay over last night?" I ask, needing a change of subject.
"Hm? Oh, no. I sent everyone one else home but let you guys stay. I went up early this morning before bed to check on you but you both were passed out. I didn't want to wake you." He smiles.
God...w-what if...what if he saw something last night and just not saying anything? Mortification burns my face and chest as I eagerly drink my juice. I really want to leave. Thank god I don't have to work today. I don't think I could handle it. It really hurts to walk.

After eating and chatting a little longer both of us head out to walk the three blocks to our house. Silence reign between us until I stumble over a stupid rock and hurt my ankle.
Tae is immediately by my side and lifts me easily into his arms like I weigh nothing. "You okay?"
I clutch his neck, terrified. "Put me down! Tae!" I scream, scared of being off the ground.
He ignores me and carries me into the house, sitting me on the couch. He runs to grab an ice pack and places it over my ankle, rolling my jeans up in the process. His hands on my leg bring back flashes of memory from the night before. Not much but enough to know once again, he lied to me.
"Why did you lie?" I ask as he helps prop my ankle up on the coffee table.
He frowns. "What do you mean?" He asks, dumbly. Innocently.
I scoff. "You know what!" Anger lacing my words making him flinch.
He stands and sighs. "I'm sorry."
I wait for more but that's all he says. "Sorry? You're sorry?! For what? What happened, Taehyung? I deserve to know!" I pull my collar down to show him the hickies. "You did this, right?" Tears well up in my eyes.
His shoulders slump and he nods. "Last j-just happened. I'm really sorry." He kneels down before me and takes my hands. "I really hope this doesn't ruin our friendship, Minie. You're everything to me. My best friend." He worries.
Swallowing hard, I suck in a large breath. "That will never happen. You're my best friend, too. I'm just...d-did we have sex?" I blush, hating to say the words aloud.
He stares into my eyes for a long minute before nodding. I press my lips into a hard line, unable to find words to describe how I feel. I don't know what to feel now that it's finally out.
"D-did I do something? Come on to you?" I ask, terrified of his answer. I honestly have no idea how I act when drunk and the thought I might have begged him to fuck me or something really messes with my head.
He pauses, twisting his mouth. "Not Really...Maybe...shit, I don't know, Jimin." He sighs. "You were hurting. I didn't want to leave you like that so I h-helped you." He explains, wincing.
My eyes widen in fear and embarrassment. Helped me? "What do you mean by that?" Images flash through my mind in quick succession.
He glances away. "With your erection." He clears his throat.
I look down, humiliation running through me. I asked for help with my erection?! "Oh."
"Don't be embarrassed, Minie. It's fine. I, uh, developed my own problem and was going to go into the bathroom but you asked me to s-stay. One thing led to another and then...well you can guess." He blushes.
"I'm really sorry. Did I pressure you or-"
"No!" He cuts me off. "No, of course not. Don't feel bad. Let's just look at it as one night of drunken experimentation and leave it at that. Nothing to worry about or think about. We're always best friends, right?" He smiles, squeezing my hands.
I return the smile and nod. "Always." Glad the conversation is over. "Want to go shopping for more house stuff?" I ask eagerly.
He laughs. "You just hurt you ankle. How about I make some popcorn and ice cream and we just relax on the couch watching stupid movies all day?" He suggests and I nod happily.
That sounds like heaven actually. Plus with how sore I still am it's probably not a good idea to move around too much. It's the least he can do since this is all his fault. Catering to me all day. With this thought in mind, I smirk and settle myself against his couch cushions waiting on my ice cream.

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