Park Jimin

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     "I hate you!" Completely unnecessary tears clog my voice as I stomp up the stairs-more like waddle swiftly. Tae grumbles behind me, his hand annoyingly pressed to my back so I don't fall backwards.
     I wish that I didn't need the support so I can complain and bitch dramatically but the fact is I'm a fat blob getting bigger every fucking day. I'm now officially 8 months pregnant with our little boy.
      "Are you even going to tell me what I've done this time to warrant being hated?" He asks in amusement as I plop down angrily on our shared bed. Tae moved all of my things last month into his bigger room so we could make mine the baby's room.
      He's already bought the crib and clothes and diapers and basically everything they needs to be bought. I just hate that he had to work so hard and be away all the time to afford it all.
     I'm lonely and upset. Craving his affection irrationally. Realistically I know he has to do it but my stupid hormones just make me feel abandoned.
     "Baby, What is it? Is it because I have to work tonight?" He sighs, running his fingers through my hair gently. I hate how calm he is but he's so used to my outbursts by now that this is nothing to him. Which pisses me off even more.
     "I told you that I would call Jin to come stay with you. I thought you liked him?" He smiles, kissing my cheek.
     I huff and cross my arms, pouting. "I do but..." I pause, biting my lip, tears welling in my eyes once more.
     "But?" He raises a brow.
       "He's not you." I blush, feeling stupid for even admitting that out loud.
     He pulls me into his arms and plants a deep kiss on my mouth, hands stroking my body, caressing my belly lovingly.
      "I'm sorry. You know I'd rather be here but I can't afford to miss work tonight." He sighs.
      My head lowers. "I know." Whispering.
      "I love you, Park Jimin. I can't leave if you're sad." He pinches my cheek to force a smile. I give him one. A watery one but still.
     "I know. It's stupid. Just ignore me."
      "Never. You're too beautiful to be ignored." Just as he finishes, making me giggle, someone knocks on the door.
      He winks at me before getting up to grab the door. I follow after much slower, pausing when Jin's voice rings through the house.
     Smiling, I waddle down to meet him and he gives me a hug, revealing the bag of food and drinks he's brought along. My eyes widen in happiness as we march to the kitchen and begin unloading the huge amounts of ice cream and chocolate snacks. Yum.
      I grab a chocolate bar and munch into it happily as Tae looks on with amusement. He stays with me for a while longer before having to leave for an overnight shift.
     I refuse to pout again and make a fool of myself in front of Jin so I move over to the couch with the ice cream and turn on a movie I know we both want to see. Jin settles beside me and takes his spoon, dipping into my ice cream as well.

    "Are you okay?" I ask hesitantly as he remains silent for the next hour or so, looking lost in thought.
     "Huh? Oh, y-yeah. Sorry, just thinking." He sighs and leans back, rubbing his eyes. His gaze keeps flickering from the tv to my large stomach over and over again, looking a little apprehensive.
     I rub my belly protectively, smiling. "Do you want to feel him? He's kicking a lot now." I announce proudly.
     His eyebrows raise. "Really? Sure." He hesitantly reaches our and rubs my belly. As soon as he feels the first kick he jumps in surprise, his smile widening. "Omo! Wow, that's so cool." He gasps.
      I nod. "I know. It feels crazy from this side too." I tease.
     He chuckles. "I'll bet."
     "So do you want to talk about it?" Changing the subject to his obvious problem.
      He sighs loudly and leans back once more. "I did something stupid."
      I frown. "Does it involve your ex boyfriend? Kim Namjoon?" I ask.
      He chuckles bitterly. "I'm guessing Taehyung filled you in?"
      I duck my head. "Yeah. Sorry. It's awful. I don't know what I'd do if Tae cheated on me. I think I'd freak the fuck out." I admit.
     "I think you'd need a army to drag that boy away from you. He's a little obsessed with you." He smirks.
      Blushing, I scoff. "I don't think it's that extreme but I'm happy he shows me so much affection." I shrug. "But it's always been that way for us. Since we met in the orphanage. He's always been overprotective and touchy."
      "Lucky you."
      I frown, playing with my shirt. "So what's the stupid thing you've done?  Surely it's not all that bad." I reassure.
      His smile twists. "Depends, I guess. I, uh..." He pauses, blushing. "Might have slept with him again." He hides his face in shame.
      I laugh. "That's it? I honestly don't blame you...even if Tae cheated on me I think I'd still be weak to resist him no matter how mad." I sigh. It's true, though.
      "Really? You don't think I was wrong?"
      "Well...the depends on you but no. I won't judge you for something most people would have still probably done."
      He thinks my words over. "Thanks, Jimin. I really like you, ya know?"
      I beam. "I like you too. You've become a great friend, Jin hyung."
      He nods and hugs me. "Want to watch another movie?" He asks.
      I nod and put the movie in while he excuses himself to the bathroom. A few minutes later I hear loud heaving and choking. Running as fast as I can in my condition, I find him slumped over the toilet, throwing up. Surely he didn't eat that much ice cream? I thought I ate most of it...
     "Jin! Are you alright?" I ask, patting his back soothingly.
       He leans up and wipes his mouth. "Oh god, Jimin. I fucked up. God, I fucked up so bad." He breaks down into sobs while I look on in confusion. Not understanding the real problem.
     All I can do is reassure him everything will be fine while he hugs me tight and cries. Surely...everything will be fine...right?

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