Park Jimin

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      I make sure to pull the collar of Tae's shirt up over the hickey covering my collarbone as he drags me into Hobi and Yoongi's house. I'm nervous and terrified. I mean, how do you tell someone your pregnant when it should be biologically impossible?
      "Maybe we should wait." I mumble as we round the corner to the kitchen, spotting the two arguing about dinner. He jerks to a stop, looking down at me in concern.
      "If you don't want to, I won't force you, Minie. You know that."
      I nod. "I know but still. You're right, they'll find out eventually." I shrug. "Better to get the shock over with, I guess." But I'm still jittery with nerves.
      He takes my hand, lacing our fingers together. "I'm right here with you, Okay? Don't be scared. You know they won't judge us. Maybe they'll be  shocked but they won't be mad or anything or stop being our friend. You know that." He reassures.
      Swallowing hard, I nod in agreement. I know he's right. I scoot my butt carefully on one of the bar stools at the counter and watch Hoseok gain the upper hand in their weird argument. Yoongi huffs in annoyance before stomping off.
      Hobi smiles triumphantly before turning to greet us. "Why are you guys so late?! Jeeze, we thought you got lost or something." He teases, hugging us both.
      Tae smirks and I shoot him a sharp look. They don't need to know why we were late. End of story.
      "I couldn't find anything to wear." I smile. It's true. I'm very content in Tae's shirt. Much better than my own tight fitting clothes.
      He laughs. "I know for a fact you have at least five hundred dollars worth of clothes in that closet of yours, I helped organize it, remember?" He raises an eyebrow.
      I shrug. "Still true, though." My hand immediately slips under my shirt to caress my belly. It's hot under my touch. It fills me with wonder even after these last couple weeks. I'm creating a life.
      "If you say so." He shrugs easily, turning back to finish making dinner. Tae looks at me expectantly just as Yoongi walks back inside wearing a school girl's uniform with a long black wig.
      Both our jaws drop in shock while Hoseok just cracks up, taking pictures with his fancy phone.
      I'm immensely confused. "Okay...What the hell is going on?" I finally choke out.
      Hoseok shrugs. "He lost a bet. Punishment served. He has to wear that all night." He cackles.
      Yoongi grumbles but simply slides into a seat and crosses his arms, stoic and pouting. Tae and I chuckle. We can't help it despite the glare he continues to throw our way.
       "So why do you look guilty, Jiminie? You've been all fidgety since you came in." Yoongi backfires and my smile immediately drops. Well, shit.
      I glance back at Tae for support and he nods. Taking a deep breath, I decide to just get it over it. "I have some big news."
      Their eyebrows raise but they remain silent, waiting. "Tae and I slept together the night of your party and now I'm pregnant." The look of absolute shock that crosses their faces almost makes me feel so much better. I pat my stomach in amusement.
      "Is this a joke?" Hobi gasps out, looking at Tae. "Is he for real? He does realize he's a boy, right?"
      I scoff. "You do realize I'm right here, right?"
      He throws his hands up in the air in exasperation. "Well excuse me for being shocked! I thought you were straight! I might have questioned Taehyung now and then but I thought you were a sure thing. Why are we just finding out about this?" He demands.
     Tae frowns. "Like I'm just going to give you every detail of my sex life? No thanks!"
      "But...but it's Jimin! You slept with your best friend. Your male best friend and didn't think I'd want to know?!" He blurts out, face red.
      "Chill. It's fine."
     "How are you so fucking chill?! You are having a baby! With your male best friend?! Why doesn't this seem to have the appropriate shock reactions!" He glares at Yoongi before taking it back to us.
      I decide to pipe in. "We found out two weeks ago. We go for an ultrasound tomorrow." I mutter quietly.
      He takes a few deep breaths before kneeling down to my level. "Can I come with you? Please. This is amazing." His eyes light up as he gazes at my stomach. "I wish we could have a baby." He pouts.
      Yoongi groans at the statement from behind making Hobi roll his eyes. "You'd never be able to handle the pain, babe. You'd just bitch the whole time and I'm not putting up with that shit."
      Hoseok huffs in outrage. "Fuck you Min Yoongi! I want a baby!"
      "We aren't even married!"
      "They aren't either!"
     "We aren't having a kid!"
     "But I want one..." He whines.
     Tae and I just sit back and watch as they argue back and forward about the pros and cons of having children. Tae's hand absentmindedly slides under my shirt to rub my belly. I smile at him but he doesn't see. Too busy watching the Entertainment before us.
       It takes a while for everything to settle down, especially since I agree after much begging from Hoseok to come with me and Tae to my appointment. I'm more than ready to leave by the time we walk to the door.

      Tae ends up giving me a piggy back ride halfway home and I fall asleep. I wake later in his bed with him cuddled around me, sleeping. He must have undressed me because my jeans are gone but his shirt is still firmly in place with his hand resting on my little bump.
      I run my fingers through his hair and just seek comfort in his touch. I'm still not sure about this whole situation, especially with that we did earlier but o have to admit...if I had to be in this situation I'd rather it be him than anyone else. The only I trust. My best friend. I know he's never hurt me. Or our baby.

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