Kim Taehyung

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" two aren't dating? does that work?" Jin asks curiously as we finish up the last of our deliveries.
      I shrug. "Nothing has changed."
     He scoffs. "Except now you two are fucking and having a baby. That seems like a relationship to me. Or to anyone else. It doesn't bother you he doesn't want to change your status?"
      I lick my lips and sigh. "Not really. I'm just glad I'm not going to lose him. He's happy how things are and I'm not going to make him uncomfortable by asking him to be my boyfriend."
      He looks at me skeptically. "Um...okay. But what if he finds someone else to be in a relationship with? Or you? Do you really think he'll be okay if you date someone else?"
       "I don't know, Okay! I'm not going to be the one to ruin what we have. Why do you even care so much? Getting tired of Namjoon or something?" I grouch bitterly. I do want to ask Jimin out on a proper date and all but know him well enough to know that it'll make him shut down on me.
      As long as we keep up the illusion of normalcy, everything will be fine. I'm sure.
      "You do know that Namjoon and I started out as best friends. He got extremely jealous after a colleague of his asked me out and snapped. Just laid it all out and confessed. Look at us now! In love for years now." He smiles widely.
      I scoff. "You're both gay as fucking rainbows, too. Jimin is still clinging to the fact he's straight and wants a girlfriend." I mumble.
He cackles. "Does he realize no girl would ever date a pregnant guy! It defeats the whole point!" He laughs so hard he ends up doubling over clutching his stomach. I kick him in the ass.
"Hey!" He rubs his injured backside while I smirk.
"We have to hurry. I'm picking Jimin up from his receptionist job to go to his appointment." I sigh.
We continue the last three stops before parting ways. He apparently as an anniversary dinner or something. I swear those two are so sweet it's disgusting.

I make it to Jimin's work place just five minutes late and sit in the waiting room for him to come out. He usually works over for his boss a lot for some reason. I don't know how he still plans to work when he gets bigger. I'll just have to take on more jobs for him I think.
      He comes out ten minutes later red faced and looking upset. I stand immediately and rush to his side. "What's wrong?"
      He shakes his head, Tears staining his cheeks. "J-just hurting." He mumbles under his breath.
      Frowning, I force him onto my back and begin the journey home. He tries to hide his sobs into my shirt but I can feel the vibrations and the whimpering behind me.
      "Let's go to the hospital." I suggest.
      "No! I don't want to. Please just let's go home. I want to lay down." He sniffles.
      I walk us home as fast as possible considering I'm on foot and carrying a pregnant guy on my back. I trudge is up the steps and step inside the house. I turn my head to ask him if he's okay but see he's fallen asleep.
      Smiling, I carry him upstairs and lay him down. Stripping him gently, I wipe him off before putting one of my shirts on him and a pair of boxer shorts. I rub his belly like he likes and he grumbles lowly in his sleep.
      Feeling much better to have him out of pain, I strip off my sweaty clothes and jump in the shower. When I return to the room thirty minutes later, he's crumpled around two pillows.
I crawl onto the bed and hug him close, beyond worried. "Minie, please. Let me help you. What can I do?" I beg brokenly, hating seeing him like this.
He shivers. "It h-hurts, Taetae."
I reach around to rub his belly. His stomach growls. "Have you eaten today?" I demand.
He hesitated before shaking his head, shame faced. "N-no. Not hungry." He mumbles.
"Jimin!" I admonish. He knows better. "You have to take care of yourself and the baby." Groaning, I get up and head into the kitchen to make him some food. Choosing easy to digest foods like rice and chicken.
I end up carrying him down the stairs and force feeding him before he begs to return to bed. Terrified for his health, I stay up all night to monitor him in his sleep, noticing the slight fever and chills from him.

      I can't help myself

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I can't help myself. I call up the doctor. He lets me know if Jimin doesn't get better by the next day to bring him in. I'll have to do that even if I have to drag him. He's totally not okay and I don't understand why he's lying to me. It's obvious.

The next morning, I'm awaken by the sound of Jimin throwing up in the bathroom. Apparently I fell asleep on the chair beside his bed.
I stumble into the bathroom after him and splash water on my face. I look down at him with a smile only for it to slip when I see it. The trail of blood running down his thigh.
"Minie!" I gasp and reach down to catch him just as he passes out.

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