Kim Jimin

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Life couldn't get any better. I'm so happy. Seriously, I never thought I'd be able to have a future like this. My husband sleeping beside me, cuddling me close while our baby sleeps down the hall. The baby monitor tucked on my pillow for safe measure.
     Of course after tucking Taemin in bed and eating dinner, Tae made sure to make love to me for hours to show his appreciation of my body for which I won't complain.
     I turn my head to stare at my lovely sleeping husband. Exhausted from moving and playing with our son. I'm so glad he doesn't have to work so hard for us anymore and that we've proved Jungkook wrong. Our life will surely be amazing from here on.
We have such amazing friends by our side which are definitely more family than anything and so much love in this house, our babies will never feel deprived. I can't wait until Jin gives birth so Taemin will have someone to play with. So exiting!
I also want to help plan their wedding. Maybe they'll consider a joint wedding! It would be so much fun! Chuckling in delight, I slip quietly out of bed, limping slightly from a sore ass, and use the bathroom before heading down in the kitchen for a snack.
Unfortunately, I'm blinded by the sight of Namjoon...uh....helping Jin clean the kitchen if you know what I mean. Gross gross gross! I'm never eating on that table again.
After trying not to puke after that traumatic sight, I decide to detour back upstairs to check on Taemin. His tiny sleeping form pulling at my heartstrings. My baby. It's unbelievable. My baby. I can't stop saying it enough. This beautiful little life is what Tae and I created.
     I kiss his tiny nose before hearing back to bed, too scared to go back to the kitchen and witness more my innocent eyes don't need to see.
      Groaning, Tae peaks his eyes open and pulls me against his flushed body. "Where'd you go, Minie?" His deep raspy sleep voice sends shivers down my spine.
     "Well, I wanted a snack but the kitchen was...occupied." I wrinkle my nose at the memory and Tae snorts. "So I went to check on Taemin."
     He nuzzles my neck and tights his hold on me. "You did so good, baby. He's so perfect in every way."
      "He gets his striking looks from you." I smile.
      "Nope. From you, I'm sure. You and him are practically identical." He teases.
      "Are you calling me a baby?"
     "My baby."
     "I guess that makes you my daddy." I scoff, realizing too late the connotations that has. "No! I didn't mean it like that!" Blushing hard, I bury my hot face in the pillows, afraid to look at his amused smug expression.
      He laughs loudly. "Wow...kinky baby. I thought all that was saved for me but I like it. Why don't you call me that next time I'm buried in your tight body?" He groans, groping my ass.
     I swat blindly at his hands and pout. "I didn't mean it like that."
     "I'm just teasing. I know what you meant but you don't have to be embarrassed either way, Minie. I love you no matter what. I'll be anything you want or need me to be." He kisses my cheek over and over until I finally turn my head to face him, then he attacks my lips.
      "I love you, TaeTae."
      "Same, Jimin. Kim Jimin." He chuckles.

2 months later

    "Are you ready for this?" I ask nervously as Jin is wheeled into the hospital, his water breaking early that morning much to everyone's fright. Except mine, of course. I haven't left his side once since his panic attack.
     I know he's pissed since Namjoon passed out at work learning Jin was going into labor. Taehyung agreed to take care of Taemin while I help Jin through this.
      Hoseok is also going to join us for support so he can learn how to take care of Yoongi at the time.
     Jin clutches my hand tighter, hurting. "I'm scared, Jimin. I don't want to do this. C-can I jus reverse this whole mess?" He begs, his face tightening with pain. Sweat blooming over his pale skin.
      "You've got this, Jin-ah." I reassure softly while Hoseok nods, taking his other hand.
      "If Jiminie can do it then you can. We all know he's a wimp." He teases, ignoring my scowl.
      "Fuck you bitch! You couldn't do it!" I retort shortly.
      He scoffs. "Well thankfully I'm not." He admits. "But you also don't have to be on the other side of this partnership! You live with Yoongi, too! I'm his fiancé! I won't survive his labor." He whines.
      I laugh. "You've got me there." Yoongi is miserable to live with. He now waddles around bitching nonstop about everything you could possibly imagine. We all kind of avoid him nowadays. We feel bad about it but we''s necessary. For our sanity.
      Jin moans, stopping our arguing. "Sorry! Don't worry. This will all be over soon." I mutter as the Doctor brings us to his room. He's placed on the delivery bed and prepped. I eye Hoseok as he weaves on his feet, rolling my eyes. God, we all live with a bunch of wimps.

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