Kim Taehyung

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"Jimin!" I catch his limp body and swing him up into my arms. I grab my phone and call the doctor who tells me to bring him to his emergency clinic immediately. I hail a taxi and hold him as we pull up to the clinic.
      The doctor is waiting outside for us and has a stretcher waiting. I file the paperwork while Jimin is admitted and sent for an emergency check up. I sit in the waiting room for nearly an hour before he comes back out.
      "You are Park Jimin's guardian?" He asks.
       I nod.
      He clears his throat. "He's doing fine now and stable. He has suffered from severe stress and has a few bruises on his arms and legs." He frowns.
      I tense. "Bruises? As in someone hurt him?" I see red and immediately the picture of Jimin's jackass boss comes to mind. Fuck. It explains his weird behavior when I went to pick him up the day before.
       The doctor nods. "The traumatic experience has made his body go into overdrive and it's not good for the baby. Right now they are doing okay but I suggest taking him away from such situations in the future so as not to miscarry." He stresses.
I nod mutely, staring down at my best friend. If his boss touched him, how the hell could he not tell me? Especially while pregnant with my child?!
I clench my fist angrily as I picture his smug boss laying his hands on him. Jimin is just too small to protect himself from predators like Jeon.
While I brood and think about what I will do when I see him, Jimin moans and opens his eyes weakly. I force a smile and run my hand through his hair.
"Hey sleepyhead. Feeling any better?" I ask calmly.
He blinks, rubbing his eyes. "I'm okay. Where am I? What happened?"
"You passed out from stress so I rushed you to the hospital. You almost miscarried." I explain.
His eyes widen and he clutches his belly in relief. "The baby's okay?"
I nod. "For now. You have to stay in bed and relax. You can't go back to work." I nearly spit out.
       He frowns. "I can't miss, Tae. I have to go to work." He mutters, fingers twisting in the blankets nervously.
      My eyes narrow. "Do you want to lose our baby, Minie? Hm? If you go back to that stressful environment you will. I won't allow you to hurt yourself." I sigh, pulling him into a warm hug.
      I can feel his tears seeping into my shirt. "I'll get you discharged and take you home, alright?"
      He nods, not meeting my eyes.

After three hours, we finally arrive home and I carry him up to his room and fluff his pillows for him. "Need anything?" I ask quietly.
He snuggles deeper under the blankets. "I'm okay."
Frowning, I kiss his head before standing. "Okay. I'm going to clean up before making dinner if you need me just yell." I really want to make him talk to me and tell me what really happened at work but I can't force him.
I know him too well for that. If I forge ahead he'll just close up tighter and tighter, shutting me out. I walk slowly, hoping he'll speak up but he doesn't. Sighing, I close the door and begin straightening up the house before making dinner.
The urge to drop everything and just run to Jeon Jungkook's office is killing me. I want answers and retribution for him putting Jimin through this. I hate seeing him suffering like this and hate even more he won't let me in and talk. Does he not trust me?
I turn to the sound of Jimin's voice. He looks so small standing on the stairs wrapped in his large oversized blanket.
"Hm?" I place the dish in the oven and approach him. Grabbing his hand, I lace our fingers together and smile. My Minie. So adorable. Even when being infuriating.
He tugs his bottom lip between his teeth looking embarrassed. "I don't want to bother you..."
I scoff. "I told you to yell if you need anything. What is it?"
He sighs. "I feel icky. C-can you help me take a bath?" His face is red and he avoids eye contact.
Grinning, I scoop him up into my arms, making him yelp, and carry him to the bathroom. I get the water ready while he takes off his clothes. Glancing back, I admire his growing belly.
I also notice the bruises on his thighs and arms. My gaze flickers up to see him covering himself the best he can as I help ease him into the hot water. He groans happily and I help wash his hair and body begin careful to stay gentle.
"T-thank you." He whispers as I help dry him off.
I glance up in surprise. "For what?"
His mouth twists. "You know...for not pushing me."
I nod in understanding. "You can tell me anything. You know that, right?"
      He stares at the floor, avoiding my gaze. "Yeah. I know. I'm just not ready right now..."
      "I love you no matter what. I hope you trust me enough to really know that." I explain gently.
      "I know, Taehyung. I do. It's just...I don't want to talk about it." He sighs. "I'm really tired."
       "I know. I'll help you to bed then bring up dinner, okay? You have to eat for the baby." I remind him.
       "Okay." He mumbles. Together we walk back to my room and I settle him against my pillows. "Why am I in here?" He asks, snuggling deeper into the sheets.
      I smile. "I want to cuddle you when I sleep. My bed is bigger." I wink. He blushes but remains silent as I leave to finish our food.
       We eat together in bed then after cleaning up, I climb back in behind him, wrapping my arms around his small body and holding his belly. He closes his eyes and releases a contented sigh. Already half asleep.
     I wish I could call out of work tomorrow but I can't. I have to be able to support him and the baby so I'll have to look for another job soon. I'm going to do everything I can to keep him away from Jeon Jungkook.

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