Kim Jimin

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Groaning, I roll over to see Taehyung twitching with laughter as Taemin lounges on top of my head. His small tummy pressing against my face so I blow raspberries over it making him giggle loudly and roll back over.
Tae grabs him and, yawning, changes his diaper. Grinning, I kiss them both good morning and get up to use the bathroom.
We've been living happily with all our babies for over two years now. Taemin and Minjoon are fierce competitors while Mi Cha and Mi Young remain typical twins and never leave the other's sight.
     Yoongi and Namjoon have left several times for overseas concerts and rap battles, building up their business while Tae has graciously volunteered to stay with me and Jin and Hoseok to take care of the rowdy children.
     Hoseok struggles with the girls while ironically Minjoon and Taemin remain perfect angels. It's crazy. I suppose the girls just have Yoongi's fierce and stubborn personality while Minjoon is more mild tempered like Jin and Taemin takes after Taehyung in patience.
     "Let's go fill your tummy!" I coo, picking my little man up and swinging him around, heading to the kitchen with Tae following behind. I plop him down in his high chair hair as Jin and Minjoon arrive, yawning with bedhead.
     "Where is Mi Cha and Mi Young?" I ask as I pull out the baby oatmeal. Jin tucks Minjoon in his high chair beside Taemin. "Sleeping, I think."
     Jin coos happily at them while Tae disappears to take a shower. I place the food down before them and begin to make a breakfast for me and Jin.
     "I can do that, you know." He sighs, sitting down.
      I shrug. "You're not the only one that can cook." I smile. "So when are Namjoon and Yoongi supposed to be back this time?"
      His smile widens. "This week. He said he wants it to be a surprise." He rolls his eyes. "He's funny like that. I know he'll come back as soon as possible, though, because apparently Yoongi keeps bitching about missing the girls." He beams.
      I smirk. "Yeah, I heard Hoseok Skyping him last night while bathing the girls and Yoongi was going off because he was not drying them off right or some shit."
      We both burst out laughing. "Who would have thought Yoongi would be the worst of us all on protective parenting."
      "Right! It's hilarious. He's obsessed with those babies."

    A knock sounds on the door later  while we're all on the living room watching the kids play on a large blanket on the floor. Minjoon and Taemin battling over toys while Mi Cha and Mi Young share baby dolls.
     Jin jumps up and runs to the door, throwing it open to reveal a tired but happy looking Namjoon who holds him tightly while Yoongi shoves past them and heads right for the girls, completely ignoring Hoseok who pouts indignantly.
      Laughing, Tae and I escape the room for some much needed alone time while Namjoon and Yoongi take over with the kids.
I jump into his arms and moan as he attacks my neck, sucking on the skin while clumsily walking us to our room. He toss me effortlessly on the bed while I stare up at him full of love.
He grins down at me, kissing me gently. "I think..."
"Hm?" He deepens the kiss so I push him back, biting my lip nervously.
"I think I'm ready." I whisper.
He frowns, cupping my face. "Ready for what, Minie?"
"Ready to have another baby with you." I smile.
He freezes. "Are you serious? I thought you wanted to focus on your dancing, baby?"
I nod. "I do but we're both still young so having another baby now won't exactly cut my dreams. Besides..." I blush. "You and our family is my real dream. It's everything I've ever wanted and more. I want to a another baby. Maybe a girl." I smirk. Mi Cha and Mi Young could use more female power in this house.
He chuckles softly. "Anything you want, Minie. You know I can't deny you anything. Let's make another baby." He beams, attacking me ten fold while I giggle and help him remove our clothes.
God, I'm so thankful for that one night. That one mistake. That one moment this changed our lives forever. If I could go back, I'd most definitely do it again.
"I love you, Taetae."
"God, I love you, too, Minie."
Just as we get into our passionate love making, the door is thrown open by a laughing Jin. I scream and pull the blankets over us, Tae scowling at the door.
Jin ignores the scene. "Oh my god! Guess what?!" He screeches.
"What is it? We're kind in the middle of something!" I groan, our bodies still connected.
He smirks. "Yoongi is pregnant again!" He screams then runs back out the door while Tae and I stare after him in shock.
"Oh my god..." I look up at Tae in fear. "I can't handle a pregnant Yoongi again, Tae! He'll kill us all. He's so mean!" I moan.
Laughing, Tae buries his face in my neck, slowly moving his hips into mine making me gasp. "Looks like we're in a competition now. You have to have twins to catch up so I better work hard."
Twins...oh my god... "Get the fuck off me, Kim Taehyung! I'm out!" I scream, weakly fighting him to no avail.
He raises a brow and continues his efforts much to my pleasure and annoyance. "No twins? Triplets then? Okay, that's what I heard. Love you, baby." He moans.
"You suck."


I sincerely hope you enjoyed this story! Thank you for supporting me and this book and I hope to keep creating more stories that my readers can continue to enjoy in the future! 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

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