Park Jimin

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"I'm so happy! Thanks for taking the time off to do this with me." I say, snuggling into Taehyung's arms, watching Netflix on the hotels smart tv.
      "I'm sorry I haven't been able to be around as much, baby. I just want to make sure to provide the most I can for you and the baby." He smiles, kissing my head.
      "I know. I understand." My eyes trail over the mountain of bags all for the baby from our five hour long shopping trip. "I wish I could help somehow." I know it's killing him even though he'd never say it.
      The four jobs he's working on top of catering to me and making my doctor's appointments. He's exhausted but as soon as the baby gets here, he won't be able to rest either.
      "It's fine, Minie. I just need a nap, okay?" He wraps his arms around me and I smile happily as he's fast asleep in seconds.
      I could happily snuggle with him all night but at the moment I'm starving and have to pee. I creep out of the bed, careful not to wake him and use the bathroom before slipping on my clothes-his clothes.
      Room service is closed for the night with it being almost 2 am but I saw a large variety of snack machines down the hall. I slip on my shoes and grab my wallet-his wallet-and the room key before merrily rubbing my belly as I head towards the snacks.
     I spend about five minutes just staring at all the food before deciding to get a few candy bars and some chips. I'm almost back to the room when I pause in place, hearing voices from down the hall.
      Peaking around the corner, being nosy, my eyes widen as the men come into view.
      Jeon Jungkook.
     Panic fills me as the memories of him taking me and touching me replay in my head. Of being held fucking prisoner in his stupid house. I step back but really there's nowhere to go. The hall I'm down is a dead end with the snack machines and my room is two doors from where they stand.
      I pray they don't come this way. Peaking back, I notice the man that was with him now gone and Jungkook coming this way. Shit! I don't have my phone since I haven't replaced the one that was dropped in the tub. Taehyung is dead asleep for the night and everyone else is also asleep or out for the night.
      I try to breath normally as I walk fast back to the machines, trying to figure out if I can hide somewhere...but I'm too big now. Maybe if I were my normal size but if I tried to fold myself up now it'd hurt the baby.
      I jump when his footsteps arrive right behind me. His voice raising the hairs on my neck. "Well, well. If it isn't my Jiminie." He laughs and props himself up against the wall, arms crossed, watching me.
       His eyes drop to my stomach with obvious disgust. "God, I can't believe your boyfriend has let you gain so much weight. And more snacks?" He shakes his head at the large quantities of food in my hands.
      I can't speak.
      "If you were mine I'd have controlled that eating habit of yours. You should really care more about your appearance." He steps forward and caresses my slightly plumper cheeks, making me flinch. "You used to be so beautiful. I would've worshiped you, ya know? I offered you the world. Anything you could ever want but instead you choose this." He scoffs.
      I clutch the food closer to me, trying hard not to break down in sobs. Of course he has to layer on about every insecurity I have.
      He notices my fear. "No worries. I'm on to bigger and better things now, sweets. You had your chance. Enjoy your poor life with your poor boyfriend. Just remember what you gave up." He raises a brow. "You're only going to drive him away, you know? Eventually he's going to get tired of working his ass of for you and killing himself with exhaustion. He could have had a much better life without you had you chosen me. I could have even helped him out financially." He shrugs nonchalantly, walking past me to grab a granola bar from the machine.
      I feel sick to my stomach as his words really get to me. Maybe he's right. Maybe I fucked up-not just my life but Taehyung's. Maybe I should have let Jungkook have me...
      He smirks knowingly as he brushes back by me, his fingers tapping my large stomach. "Good luck losing that weight. You look like you're having triplets." He laughs. "I wonder if he'll still even want you after all this. I'm beginning to think I dodged a bullet, Park. Maybe I should thank your little boyfriend."
      "Y-you're wrong." I manage to choke out.
       He snorts. "That remains to be scene. Enjoy your life, Park Jimin. I'll certainly be enjoying mine. Let's just hope your man can still say the same in a year or so."
      He leaves me alone. Disappearing down the hall and out of my life once and for all. I want to feel relief but all I feel is pain. What if he's right? I'm just ruining Tae's life. He could have so much more right now if it weren't for me and the baby. I know I don't deserve him. He's way too good for me.
      With tears streaming down my face, I quickly lock myself back into our room and glance at Tae's sleeping form on the bed. Always so tired because of me.
     I drop the food on the counter and head into the bathroom. Stripping naked, I eye my plump body with disgust. Jungkook's right. Tae won't want me anymore.
      Hell, Jin is right behind me in his pregnancy and he isn't nearly this large! Holding in my sobs so I don't wake him up, I carefully pull on a sweatshirt that hugs my belly making me sick and sweat pants.  
      I climb into the bed and just stare at my boyfriend. Hating myself for the bags under his eyes and the fact that after we get home tomorrow he'll have to go straight back to work.
      I don't want him to see me like this.m so I turn away and hug a pillow, crying myself to sleep and ignoring the hunger pains in my stomach. Determined to not gain anymore weight no matter what.

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