Kim Taehyung

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"I can't believe you got married."
I smile happily at Namjoon, glancing down at my wedding band. My official connection to Jimin. "Yup. I'm really happy."
"You look happy. Are you and Jimin ready for the baby?"
"I think so. What about you and Jin? God, I can't believe Yoongi is pregnant as well! Of all people...I never would've thought it would be him." I laugh.
He smirks. "Yeah well. He certainly likes to bitch enough about it. Driving Hoseok insane. I'm glad Jin isn't freaking out that much." He sighs in relief.
       I check out a few customers while he stands beside the register, talking to me. "So is Jin as insecure about his body as Jimin is? I love him and everything about him so much but I wish he'd stop looking down on himself. He just won't listen when I tell him how beautiful he is."
       He nods in agreement. "Oh yeah. Jin bitched nonstop when he first noticed his slightly larger but still tiny baby bump. I have no idea how he hasn't gain much weight. The doctors say he's healthy, though. I don't know."
I nod. "Jimin's the opposite. He's so mad because he thinks he looks like a balloon but he's really not that big. He glows and just has this aura around him. So cute! I love holding his belly. It's so amazing to see our baby move inside him."
He beams. "I can't wait! Jin really doesn't like me feeling on his stomach now because he thinks he's ugly but really it just makes him sexier in my opinion. Having my baby." He winks.
I smile. "What about Yoongi?"
He frowns. "What about him?"
"What will you guys do if it is yours too?" I have to ask.
He groans. "We've talked about it. No matter what the baby will just be Yoongi and Hoseok's. He isn't taking a test. I think it's better that way. Of course we'll all be parenting the three kids anyway so it really doesn't matter, does it?"
He has a valid point. Of course our kids will be raised together and with being such close friends and families...I guess it doesn't matter. "I'm happy. I'm really happy that you guys can experience the same happiness as Jimin and I." I hug him.
"It's insane really. I never thought about having kids because Jin is all I cared about. I'm going to be an appa." He sounds awed. "I really hope our baby loves music like me. I'll teach them so much."
I laugh. "I'm pretty sure the kids will at the studio with you and Yoongi."
He smacks me. "Jin wants to take care of the baby full time while I work on our dream. He might work later but for now I'm fully committed letting him be a stay at home parent."
"Same for Jimin. It kills him not to work but I really don't mind working three jobs for us. Our future is important but so is time with our baby. It would kill him to miss that by working."
He nods slowly. "I have a suggestion."
"I'm all ears." I say as I ring a lady up and she smiles at us before leaving. I would much rather be home with Jimin right now but money is important.
"How would you like to quit all these jobs and just work with us in the studio?"
I stare at him in shock. "I can't rap."
He rolls his eyes. "No but you can sing. You're amazing and that deep voice will make everyone swoon. Think about it-you'll have way more time with your family and just be hanging out working with us all day creating art. I love your voice and I know Yoongi would agree." He encourages.
"I'll have to talk to Jimin. I've never thought of being a singer before."
His eyes light up. "You know, when our kids get older, Jimin could totally join us. Make a group. His voice is angelic, isn't it? We've heard him randomly start singing sometimes. He'd do well."
I laugh. "What about Jin and Hoseok?"
"Them too! We could make it family group! I know Hoseok and Jimjn can dance! They could teach us." He goes on and on while I picture Jimin angelically singing on stage, shaking his gift with the world.
"As amazing as that sounds, it'd be hard to travel with our kids and Jimin is way too self conscious to actually do it. He'd freak out and have a panic attack." I sigh. I wish my love would just have more faith in himself.
He shrugs. "Okay, all dreams have to start small. We can talk about it now and think about the future later. I think it'd fun."
I agree. Working with all my friends plus my soulmate? Making music and dancing and traveling and just enjoying life? It sounds like a dream come true.
My smile widens. "Let's do it."

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