Kim Namjoon

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     "Are you alright, man? You've been acting weird lately?" I ask casually as Yoongi stomps around the studio, flinging papers and folders everywhere while muttering to himself.
     I take a drink of my energy drink and smirk as he slumps in his chair and groans loudly. "Fuck off." He grumbles.
       "Just worried about you. How's Hoseok, doing? Are you sure it's okay for Jin to be around so much?"
       He rubs his temples, nodding. "It's fine. Hoseok likes the company and Jin's nice. I'm sorry." He sighs, looking at me. "I know I'm being a dick. I've just been really sick from stress the last week or so and it's getting old fast."
      "Oh? Is that all? I thought it was hard to get you stressed..." I trail off as he pulls a bag of Oreos out of his desk a begins scarfing them down. My eyes widen as he literally finishes the whole bag in less than five minutes. He usually doesn't eat much junk food, either. He likes to maintain his physique.
      He sits back once done and taps his pen, annoyed. I'm afraid to open my mouth in case he snaps at me. "Are you pregnant?" I just blurt it out. Well, someone has to.
      He looks at me in absolute shock. He stares at me like I've just grown two heads. "D-did you just fucking ask if I'm...pregnant?"
     I nod, unfazed by his temper. "'re being...very unlike you recently and, well...Jimin and Jin are able to conceive. Its completely possible." I shrug.
      He laugh. "No way. That shit...there's no way." He shakes his head firmly. "Nope. Not me."
      I raise a brow. "I think you should  go get tested. Just in case."
      "Not happening." He retorts, being pissed.
      "You afraid?" I challenge.
     He scoffs. "Of what? It's not possible for me to be...that."
      "How is it any more impossible than Jimin or Jin, Yoongi? I seriously think you need to take a test." I keep my tone firm and serious.
      He looks away and stares at the wall for a long moment. "W-what If I am? Holy shit...this is bad, Namjoon." He finally concedes, looking panicked.
      That's the one thing about Min Yoongi. He doesn't bullshit and knows when to stop lying to himself.
      "Why?'s weird but I'm sure Hoseok would be happy about it." I shrug.
       His eyes widen and he looks sick, paler than normal. "Oh fuck. This is bad." He whispers, rubbing his stomach looking uncomfortable.
      "What's wrong? I don't get it?" I move by his side, a little unnerved by his change in mood.
      He swallows hard and licks his lips, looking at me with worry. "Jin is pregnant." He mumbles.
      I frown. "" Not understand.
      He huffs impatiently. "Jin is pregnant with your baby! I let you fuck me, Kim Namjoon! W-what if I am pregnant and the baby is yours?!" He yells, standing up to pace.
      I sit frozen, now getting it. Holy shit. This can't be happening. "T-that was a long time ago, Yoongi! There's no way. It has to be Hoseoks." I try to reassure him but he only shakes his head, actual fear showing on his face.
      "I just got him back. W-what if by some fucked up fate it is yours and he leaves me again for real this time?"
     The thought of Jin leaving me also plays through my mind. I shake it from my mind. "Calm down. Male pregnancy isn't triggered through certain sperm, Yoongi-ah. The gene is already inside you and just because my own boyfriend is pregnant doesn't mean I've got some weird thing making guys pregnant." Out loud the thought is absolutely ridiculous but he doesn't look convinced.
      "I'm scared. Really fucking scared. I know I've been off the last few weeks but I've just ignored it as stress." He groans and sits back down.
       "I'll go get a test, okay? You'll take it then you will go tell your very loving and understanding fiancé about the news. After you learn how far along you are...well...we'll deal with the issue then if it becomes one. Calm down." I demand and he nods shakily.
      "I'll go buy you a test, okay? Stay put."
      I leave him in the studio and walk across the street to the convenience store to pick up what I need. Once back, Yoongi grabs the bag and disappears in the bathroom for a good ten minutes.
      I wait a little more anxiously than I'd like as he finally comes out with tears in his eyes. He chucks the test at me. It's real. Yoongi is seriously pregnant.
      I sigh and pull him into a hug. "Hoseok will be thrilled, you know. Have faith in your relationship. They forgave us for that mistake and if...if by chance it is mine..." I pause, terrified of the thought. "We'll all deal with it together. Jin and I as well as you and Hoseok. We'll all be okay." I promise.
      "How do you know for sure?" He asks quietly.
      I smile. "We all love each other. It'll be fine."

      When Yoongi and I get back, I immediately rush to my pregnant boyfriend and kiss him. He moans and wraps his arms around me.
      "What was that for?" He chuckles.
     "I just love you." I say, tapping his nose. "Ready to go home?" I ask, taking his hand and his bags. He nods, yawning.
      I say a quick goodbye to a nervous Yoongi as he gathers up the nerve to tell Hoseok the truth and wave bye to Hoseok. I sweep Jin into my arms and carry him to my car, slipping him in the seat and kissing his head.
      I might as well get the issue out of the way for us as well. I get behind the wheel and drive us home. I set his bags on the ground as we enter the apartment and I lace our fingers together, pulling up to our bedroom and stripping us both down for bed.
      He giggles as I rest my head on his belly, listening for our baby. I rub his thigh soothingly, glancing up at his happily content face.
      "Baby...I need to tell you something." I sigh.
       He smiles. "Okay."
      I sit up and take both his hands, staring into his eyes. "Yoongi's pregnant." I murmur.
      His eyes widen in surprise and he laughs. "What? That's insane? Yoongi of all people?" He chuckles.
      I smile back. "I know. But that's not what...I'm concerned about." I admit.
      I take a deep breath. "Depending on how far along he is...there's a very small possibility that it could be...mine." I whisper the last word and his smile slips.
      I take his face in my hands. "I'm sure it's Hoseok's but...I just thought you deserved to know there might be a chance. I will never lie to you."  
      His clear eyes sparkle back at me and he nods, clearing his throat. "Thank you for being honest with me. I'm sure it's Hoseok's too but if...if it's not...We'll all support each other." He smiles and kisses me.
      "I have the most amazing boyfriend in the entire world." I laugh, kissing all over his face. "Have I told you how much I love you?" I sober. "Thank you for understanding, Jin."
      He nods, rubbing his plump belly. "It's okay. It wouldn't make sense for me to get mad. I've already forgiven you for that night and if this happens because of then...I'm already over it. We're in this together, Joon-ah."
       I hug him to my chest and just hold him against me, loving the warmth he gives me. I really hope Hoseok is as understanding as Jin. I know all this hit him even harder than Jin. I pray he doesn't abandon Yoongi once and for all when he finds out.
      It would kill them both.

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