Kim Namjoon

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     I'm in the studio pretending to work when Yoongi calls me. Apparently he now knows where Jin and Hoseok are staying. Both just disappeared and Taehyung refused to tell us where they went.
      "They share an apartment down the street from Taehyung's house now." He sighs.
       Thank god. I've been so worried about Jin since he left me. We've been roommates forever and not seeing him everyday is killing me. I can't eat or sleep and every song I try to pump out sounds like shit. It's horrible.
      "Thanks for telling me."
      "You in the studio?" He asks.
      "Yeah." Sighing, I sit back and rub my eyes.
       "Be there in five." He hangs up.
      Groaning, I get up to pace. Since the incident we've both refused to acknowledge what happened even though it has costed both of our relationships dearly. I just can't. I don't want to talk about it. It was a mistake and that's all there is to it. Neither of us have any sexual attraction towards one another.

     After five minutes, I let him inside and he plops down on one of my chairs, frowning. "I don't think he's going to take me back."
      I raise my brows. I hadn't realized he was trying to get him back... "Yeah. I think Jin is pretty much done with me even though I refuse to leave him alone. I message and call him at least five times a day everyday." I'm pathetic but don't care. He's my everything.
       He nods. "Want me to give you the address?"
        I quickly right it down and store it in my phone. Trying to talk myself out of leaving right now to bang on his door and beg forgiveness once more. He talks to me, at least. That's something.
       "They seem happy enough." He frowns.
        "I'm glad. I don't want them miserable." I whisper.
        "Wish I could just drag his ass home, though. Show him where he belongs." He groans.
        I laugh. "If only that shit really worked." I've been desperate enough to consider kidnapping Jin and forcing him back to me but I won't do it. If he wants space and freedom then I'll give him that. This is all our faults anyway.
"You look like shit." I mumble, making him bark out a laugh.
"Well fuck you, too. Thank you very much." He scowls.
Smirking, I turn back to my work only to frown. All shit. "I can't do this anymore."
I motion to the studio. "All this. Without Jin...everything I make just turns into crap. I can't think straight anymore without him. Stupid to admit it out loud but it's true. You can't tell me any differently about you and Hoseok." I raise my brows in challenge.
"Yeah. I haven't been able to come up with anything lately." He sighs. "I've been thinking..."
"About maybe opening up our own studio. Get away from No Jams Entertainment and do our own shit. I'm tired of being limited and forced to do only certain works. I want more creative freedom." He explains.
My eyes lift up at the thought. We could make so much more money as well. More money I can have to woo Jin back to my side. He's a sucker for chocolates and romantic getaways...
"I don't think Jin or Hoseok would be very happy about us getting our own studio together. What if they take it the wrong way?" I frown.
He rolls his eyes. "I'm facing the fact that I may never get my fiancé back and I'm coming to terms with it but I can't let it effect my life completely. If he does decide to move on then I don't want to lose out on a great opportunity in my life for someone that no longer cares."
He isn't wrong. I want to say no in the hopes Jin will return but what if he never does? I can't waste an opportunity like this, either, when he isn't even with me. "Okay. How do we do it?"
He smiles. "We'll talk about it later. I have to go do a few things but I'll let you know the details later." He gets up to go.
Deciding I won't get anything else done today, I close up and leave. Unable to stop myself from driving to Jin's new apartment. I have to see him. Just for a second. I miss him so fucking much.
I park across the street and just stare at the building, willing him to come out. Surprisingly, I do spot Hoseok leaving about five minutes later. Feeling this is my chance, I get out and run up the stairs, stopping at the door number Yoongi gave me.
Hesitantly...I knock. Holding my breath.
The door swings open to reveal my perfect lover. "Hobi! I told you-"
He stops short when he sees me, flushing and looking confused. "Joon-ah."
I swallow the lump in my throat. The urge to pull him into my arms hard to resist. I manage. Just barely.
"How did you know where I am?" He frowns, crossing his arms the way he does when he's feeling vulnerable. I've seen it enough times to know his thoughts perfectly.
"Yoongi told me. He spoke to Hoseok, I think."
"H-he did?" He looks confused. "When?"
"I don't know. He gave me your new address, I hope that's okay. I won't bother you too much. I, uh, just wanted to check on you." I explain softly.
He stares at me for a long time before sighing and pushing the door open wider. "Come in."

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