Kim Seokjin

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      "Joonie! Let me up, seriously!" I groan as the person in question shakes his head and clutches me closer, sliding this hand between my thighs and caressing my skin.
      Since my trip back from the hospital, Namjoon has done his damnedest to make me not lift a finger. Since he found out I'm pregnant he's been on high alert to keep me immobile in our bed.
      I spoke to Hoseok when I got out and we both agreed to give both another chance so we're letting go of our apartment. Yoongi and Namjoon are going to help us move our things back to our respective partner's places.
     Of course if I knew how much a pain in the ass Joonie was going to be, I might've chosen to stay alone at the apartment. He's driving me crazy! Refuses to go to work or let me go to work and just keeps me prisoner in bed. I have to practically beg to walk to the bathroom on my own!
      "I swear on all that is holy, Kim Namjoon-ah! If you don't let me move from this bed I will strangle you to death!" I smack him on the head and shove him away from me.
      He grumbles but finally relents. "I just to make sure you and my baby are safe. The doctor said bedrest!" He frowns.
      "I know. I will take it easy, I promise but look-Jimin is farther along than me and Tae doesn't treat him like freaking glass! I need space and independence." I scowl at him as he looks away guiltily. "I've managed this long without you, hm?"
       He sighs and pulls me into his arms. "I'm sorry. I's just...I just got you back, Jin. If anything ever happens to you or our child it would kill me. Especially when it's my job to protect you." He pauses. "It's my fault you almost lost it. My fault you got hurt."
      I suddenly realize why he's being this way. "The accident wasn't your fault. I was stupid. If I hadn't of been so stubborn and pushed you away like that then I wouldn't have had to chase after you. You had no idea with what I was struggling with. I was clumsy." I smile.
      He swallows hard and rests his hands on my tummy. A smile gracing his lips. "I still can't believe we're having a child."
      I laugh. "I thought you didn't want kids."
      He rolls his eyes. "That was before I thought it was possible for us. It was too hard to consider adoption with my work and traveling but you having our own little miracle? I want it more than anything." He kisses my lips gently.
      I lock my arms around his neck as he lifts me by my thighs and carries me into the kitchen, setting me on the counter.
      "I know I can't cook for shit so you can cook if you want but I'm getting everything for you and no argument." He glances at the clock. "I have to go into work in a couple hours so maybe Jimin and Tae can come over or you go over there?" He widens his eyes in a plea as I roll my eyes.
      "I'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself but if it'll make you feel better then I'll ask if they want to come hang out." I smile.
      "Thank you, love." He pecks my cheek before rummaging around the grab the food ingredients.

After dinner, I call Jimin and Tae but both are busy. Apparently they went baby shopping out of town and are planning to spend the night in a hotel.
Joonie pouts until I reluctantly call Hoseok and he graciously invites me to stay the night.
"Is Yoongi working over night at the studio with you, too?" I ask as soon as I hang up. Still a little sensitive about that.
He pulls my face in his hands and kisses my nose. "Nothing will ever happen. I will never buy alcohol at the studio again." He chuckles. "I'll call you every ten minutes if it'll make you feel better." He offers.
"No. It's okay. I trust you." Sighing, I rest my head on his chest. "I love you. What time will you come pick me up?"
"Uh, maybe around 6 am, if that's alright?"
Nodding, I head back to the room to grab my overnight bag. He drops me off at Yoonseok's place and I happily greet Hoseok with a hard hug then plop down on the couch.
Yoongi smirks at us while heading out and I can't help but notice him limping a bit. I raise an eyebrow at Hoseok who only shrugs with a wicked smile.
      "I never realized you guys switched." I snicker.
      He rolls his eyes. "Usuallly we got but it was his punishment for cheating...and well, a few other things." He laughs.
      Snorting, I dig into the batch of cookies I brought along with me, Hoseok stealing a few as we start a movie.
      "So hows Namjoon taking the pregnancy?"
       I groan. "He's driving me crazy! Won't even let me breath. I'm going stir crazy because he won't let me leave  He house. I have to work." I pout.
      He scoffs. "You don't need to work. Namjoon makes more than enough money and you're carrying his child. He will always happily support. Especially if you get married." He winks.
      "If he's like this now I don't want to think about when we ever get married." I shudder. "Especially now that he knows I can provide him with children. He won't ever stop touching me."
       "Is that supposed to be a bad thing?" He mocks.
      I throw a cookie at him. "Let's just watch the damn movie."

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