What were we?

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    "No. We can't just go and start shooting down every Rampion in the sky!" One cabinet shot up. "We are not saying that." Torin said calmly. Voices were everywhere, yelling. "Ok, that's enough. We will continue this meeting tomorrow." Kai stood up.
    Everyone left except Torin and Kai. "Your majesty...." Torin took a deep breath in. "When was the last time you slept for more than two hours." Kai looked into the window, his reflection didn't even look like him. His hair was even more unkempt and longer than ever, his clothes were wrinkled and crooked, then his eyes. His eyes lost the twinkle of joy and the smile to them, they were simply brown. So dull they could be gray. Then the bags under his eyes became so dark the last week had really taken a toll on him, and Torin for that matter. "When was the last time you slept?" Kai asked back.
  "When did Levana come to town?" They both laughed.
Torin was always there for the royal family, but Kai felt as if this was the worst time to be working for them... him. He was like the uncle to Kai, now he is like a father. It scared him, maybe even Torin was frightened by the idea.
   "May I have a moment of peace." Kai sighed, sitting down. "Of course." Torin bowed and left the room. Once he was alone, flashes came to him. Cinder, who was she really.


     Cinder sat in her bunk, alone. Kai, how is he. Heartbroken. Maybe even forgot about her. She sighed, pushing herself up she walked to the window. "Venus is sure bright tonight." She said to herself.

   Kai stood up and walked to the window. "Ha." He laughed. "Venus. The goddess (when you had to right about the planet in 5th grade.) sure is blinding tonight." He said out loud.

Both of them sighed. "What were we?" They asked to themselves.




  Omg no joke I think this is gonna be my favorite chapter! A Kaider, but no Kaider moment. Gosh! I LOVE THIS CHAPTER SO MUCH! And that's right I some how legit just remembered stuff about my planet project from three years ago! Who is bawse? Me! And you guys too. Ok bye!!!!!

   -super happy Socially awkward butterfly

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