Wolf. Scarlet. Great.

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   "Well...." Scarlet said to herself. One second she was at home the next she was at a home with a black flag that meant 'don't come near, for the blue fever is here'. Yet she was standing right there. Yells and music was spilling through every crack of the house. She took in a breath and strode in.
   It smelt worse than it looked. Sweat, blood, and spirits of sorts. There were bodies everyone, not just normal people. Cyborgs, people with implants and many many tattoos. She whispered to herself, "ok find him get answers and go. Right."
   Somehow a group over heard her, giving her weird looks. She backed into a corner, pulling on her hoodie strings. Many thoughts were running through her head, 'What if he isn't even here. Maybe he doesn't know anything. I should go.' Then out of no where to big bright green eyes were looking at her. Not even a foot between them. "Hi." He said sheepishly. She jumped. "PERSONAL SPACE!" She pushed him back.
   "Sorry." He said calmly. "I just didn't think you would come."
   "Well I'm here now, aren't I?" She shot back. He opened his mouth.
   "Will wolf come down to the arena! That's right folks! Wolf against Hunter!"  Cheers could be heard from the tavern with the noise. Wolf hesitated, shook his head and went down to the center.
   Hunter was twice his size. (Gonna zoom past) (fight happens yay!)

   Scarlet didn't even stay long enough to see everyone else's reactions. She bolted out. As soon as she left she pulled out her port, and contacted the police. "Ten minutes. That should be enough." Scarlet ran back home, her adrenaline almost like lava.
   She made it back to the farm with sweat dripping down her back. Scarlet rounded the corner of the barn. There he was, just standing there. "Um, how can I help you?" She raised an eyebrow.
   "You remember me right?" He asked. "Yes. I was just at the fight." Scarlet spat. 'Deep breaths' "Wolf, right?" He stood a little straighter. "Yeah. Scarlet?" She nodded. "Wolf. Scarlet. Great." She took a step closer. "I need your help. He nodded. "Of course." A hint of a smile found her face. "Gre...." Scarlet's father stood there with a bucket full of chicken feed at his feet. "HIM! HE IS ONE OF THEM!"
    "When will you shut up." Scarlet grabbed a stick and hit him at the back of the head. He went out cold. "I know. That's why he is here."

   IM ACTUALLY BACK! Ok so my writing is not as good as it was when I was younger. *random other me walks in* 'dude that was just last month.' Ok well I know that, but it's felt like forever. *rolls eyes and walks away*

   -Socially awkward butterfly

The Farmer (The second book to The Sisters)Where stories live. Discover now