In control

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   She floated to her chambers. Once she was there she grabbed the nearest breakable object and threw it across the room. "Two weeks..." She said through gritted teeth. "Two damned weeks." She took a breath in. I am Grace, I am perfection. She thought. I am Levana.
    "Thaumaturge Sybil Mira requesting entrance." Levana sneered. "Enter." Sybil walked no floated in. "Stupid Earthen toys."
    "Agreed." Responded the queen.
    "My queen. It's about Linh Cinder." Levana took in a heavy breath. "Continue." Sybil cleared her throat. "She has a sister. Two actually, one succumbed to Letumosis." A smile was created on Levana's blood red lips. "But there are no traces of her. We have reason to believe she survived and is on the run with Ms. Linh and a Carswell Thorne." She handed Levana a port with the information. She let out a sharp laugh. "You know what I think Sybil. I think we have what we need. Leverage."

     "My emperor. I have news." Levana came into the dinning hall. She placed a port with a picture and information of Carswell Thorne on it. If he saw him one more time he would lose it. A player ran off with Cinder. Once he heard the news he hated him instantly. "Yes, I know. It may come as a surprise to you, but he has been on the net with Cinder for weeks."
    "Two weeks." Levana spat. "Listen. If you don't get him and this Cinder back to me in 48 I am sending my own reinforcements to get them to Luna. "No." Kai said calmly. "What?" Levana said in a warning voice. "I. Said. No. Need me to write it down?" Kai stood up. "Listen Kaito. You think that you have the power. But you don't. I do. So unless your useless army does something about this situation. Hell will be brought to Earth. Because well. I. Have. The . Control. Need me to write down?" And she stormed off.
    Little did Kai know that someone else was soon to be I in control.

  Yay a chapter!
-Socially awkward butterfly

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