Texas Bluebell

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And they did come back. Day after day, the two men took refuge in your nursery and you slowly, but surely, got to know them.

"Ah, Kotoba, Moyu--" You began.

"Nope, it's Miki! Your third favorite customer!" Miko came in with her teasing attitude front and center.

"All three of my customers are equally my favorite because they all buy my plants and keep me in business!" You cheered with true sincerity.

"You're awful!" Miko frowned at you as she walked over to the check out counter where you were lounging lazily.

"Today is awful." You sighed. "I haven't had anyone in all day. I'm bleeding money and I really feel like I need something to boost sales. But I don't have any money for advertising and everyone is scared to come here." You teared up a little, upset at the prospect of losing your business.

"Didn't we go through this last week? You made it until now. Who's to say that you won't make it until the next one?"

The door chimed.

"Who's causing the doom and gloom here?" Junichi asked as he and Koda walked up to you.

Koda reached his hand out to wipe a tear that fell from your eye.

"No crying into the plants. It's not good for them." He smiled gently at you.

Both he and Junichi had acquired something of a friendship with you and to see you upset was upsetting to them as well. Especially since you were normally the rock of the friendship.

"I just... I need more business. I'm running on fumes, but I can't afford to purchase advertising and of course my nursery has such a bad reputation. Sad people rarely buy anything anyway."

You collapsed face down on the counter in despair. You really were worried about this issue.

"Well, we wanted to give you an update on the false indigo. It is not dead." Junichi smiled brightly.

Chuckling, you stood up and wiped yours eyes.

"I want a plant." Koda looked away from you, avoiding eye contact and blushing slightly from his good act.

"Thanks, Moyuru. I know you probably don't. But what are you looking for?" You asked as you walked around the counter.

"Most expensive." This was his way of helping, and you knew it. And Jyunichi knew it too. He was so pleased with his boyfriend that he couldn't help but reach over and kiss him on the cheek. Koda smiled, but feigned disgust as he wiped off the slobber.

"Please, I wish someone loved me that much." Miko teased him. "You don't have to pretend to be embarrassed."

"Can I just get my plant please?!" He yelled, out of real embarrassment for being called out.

"Here it is!" You returned quickly, cradling a small pot that had a tiny bush with just three blooms. "Lisianthus, or Texas bluebell. I don't raise them very often, because they're pretty difficult to get to start blooming, but they're not actually that hard to keep alive. But it took me two year to grow this pot. That makes it worth about $35. I know it's expensive... But that is what you asked for..."

"Oh man, it's so pretty! If I didn't spend all my extra money on snapdragons, I'd buy it out from under you!" Miko whined.

"I have another one, Miki, if you want it."

"I don't have any money!" She cried as she took her turn flopping on the counter. You smiled. Today was starting to look up.

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