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"Still?" Miko asked you as she walked with back to your house after a long day of work.

"I mean, it's just a crush, do I have to stop? It's almost like a hobby, since I don't have anything else to do. No other guys are interested in me..." Arriving at your doorstep, you took notice of the surprise on your doorstep, "Spoke too soon."

"A secret admirer!!! How cool!" Miko looked a lot happier than you did.

"More like stalker... How do they know where I live?" You wondered out loud as you picked up the small bouquet of yellow buttercups. Smitten or charmed in flower language... could that be what they're trying to say to me? Or am I overthinking it?

"I think it's sweet. Maybe it was one of the boys." She mentioned while she waited for you to open up your door.

"I doubt it. They spend enough time giving each other flowers. Maybe it's Miki's friend... Akita?" You flipped the lights on in your house and set down your bag.

"Akira. And not likely. He's smitten with Miki. Maybe it's another customer? Or did you have a connection with anyone special in high school?" Miko took a seat on one of your two comfy chairs that resided in your tiny living room.

"No, I spent most of my time in the greenhouse at school. I wasn't really interesting in dating?"

"What? You didn't date anyone? But people used to talk about you all the time!"

"What?" You sat next to her and curled up into the chair. "People talked about me?"

"Yeah, I thought you were popular! I didn't know you were just hiding out in the greenhouse— although I'm not surprised!"

Your face scrunched in confusion and you ran your hand through your hair. Glancing over at the flowers that you had placed into a vase, you didn't know how to feel.

"I don't know if I actually want to hear this... but what did they say about me?" You eventually gathered the courage to ask.

"I remember hearing that people thought you were... Well I don't know... I guess it sounds weird saying it now..."

"Say it! You can't leave me hanging!" You cried out as you reached out to shake Miko's arm.

"They said that you were the type that all the boys wish they had." Miko blushed.

"What? What does that even mean?"

"Like... I seriously don't even know either, I mean I didn't feel this way," Lie. "But they would say that you were prim and proper in public and... like... ~freaky~ in private." Miko hid her face as she blushed from the words that left her mouth.

"Nooooo!" You felt embarrassment that was from ages ago. "Ugh, I haven't even kissed anyone yet."

"What? Even I've had my first kiss," Not that she would say who, "What happened?"

"I don't know, high school came and went and I just... forgot!" You giggled as Miko swatted at you.

"Forgot!?" She laughed loudly, "Who forgets that?!"

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